The sleuth

in The Ink Welllast month (edited)

Mina stared at her friend Kylie across the room enviously. She shook her head and took a sip of her coffee, trying to get herself awake, then let out a tired sigh. Mina was trying to figure out exactly how Kylie managed to look so rested and invigorated every morning.

“Why have you been staring at me like that, you creep?” Kylie asked laughing.

“Staring at you like what? I've been sitting here sipping my coffee and minding my business” Mina replied slurping her coffee.

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Kylie fixed with Mina with a pointed gaze until she began to giggle.

“Fine! Kylie, please tell me your secret. How do you do it?” Mina begged.

“Err do what?” Kylie asked confused.

“Manage to look so fresh every morning when you're up almost all night” Mina said winking at her friend.

“Right… Mina are you okay? You don't have a fever, do you?” Kylie asked moving closer to touch Mina's forehead. Mina swatted her hand away and faked an offended look.

“Just say you would rather not tell me your secret. I sleep for hours most night, and I still look tired every morning”.

“So…?” Kylie asked, moving to her bedroom to get dressed.

“You stay up all night almost everyday talking and giggling to God knows who. You barely sleep!” Mina said.

“Very funny, but I can assure you that I go to bed at 9pm every day and wake up at 6am. Maybe it's Eva's voice you heard, she's the one who barely sleeps” Kylie replied with a smile in her voice from her bedroom.

“I do sleep occasionally, thank you very much!” Eva replied, walking into the living room.

Kylie fully dressed walked out of her bedroom to find Mina laughing at Eva. She had panda eyes from her mascara, a missing sock on one foot, hair sticking up in every direction and in an oversized T-shirt that practically swallowed her up.

Kylie also started giggling and wondered for the umpteenth time how she ended up with two flat mates turned friends. Mina was a model, she was extremely kind and sweet and absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. She was also theatrical in nature and very nosy.

Eva was an artist and certified lover girl. A red-headed beauty from a wealthy family that she tried to avoid because she would rather not join the family business. Kylie herself ran a PR firm, was always busy with work and oblivious to how her beauty made heads turn both male and female alike.

She was also very single, ate healthy, exercised every day and slept for 8 hours every night contrary to what Mina was thinking. Both Mina and Kylie moved in happily 3 months ago when Eva who owned the beautiful house decided to rent out rooms.

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Kylie and Eva had opposite rooms on the second floor while Eva had the first floor to herself using the extra room there as a studio. The three of them had become friends almost instantly.

“What are you girls talking about?” Eva asked yawning.

“How miss bright and early won't share her secret to looking good first thing in the morning after being up all night” Mina replied.

“Ignore her Eva, I don't know what she's talking about. See you girls later, bye!” Kylie said, racing out the door.

Eva let out a patient smile and looked at Mina with an amused expression on her face. Mina had refused to believe Kylie wasn't lying to them about her sleeping all night. For some days now she’d been pestering Kylie to share the secret and also pestering Eva to convince Kylie to confide in them.

“Eva, I'm telling you she doesn't sleep. I think she has a mystery boyfriend that she talks to most nights” Mina said.

“How do you know this?” Eva asked.

“Duh! Our rooms are literally close, and we hear each other. I think the walls are thin” Mina replied with a shrug.

“So, what do you want to do? Catch her smuggling her secret lover into the house? Or talking on the phone? Because that's not a crime you know” Eva replied giggling and moving towards the stairs.

Mina's yell of excitement made her stop. Eva stood still as Mina ran to hug her, calling her a genius and thanking her for the idea.

“I was joking Mina, you're not planning on doing anything dramatic are you?” Eva asked panicking.

“Of course not darling, just a little sleuthing” Mina replied innocently.

Mina” Eva said in a warning tone, but Mina disappeared into her bedroom claiming she had to prepare for a photoshoot.

Knowing how dramatic Mina could be, Eva made a mental note to keep an eye on her, then ran up the stairs to her studio.

The next day when Eva and Kylie had gone to bed a door opened on the second floor and Mina snuck out of her bedroom. It was 10pm, and she was determined to find out what was going on with Kylie. She'd noticed the late night giggles and mumblings about a month after they'd moved in.

She was pretty sure Kylie was as single as she was and fully focused on her career for now. So the curiosity was killing her, and she’d made up her mind to find out what was going on. Mina was determined to catch this secret boyfriend tonight.

What if it was a girl Mina thought to herself, her face lighting up at her new train of thought. Maybe that's why Kylie was reluctant to let them find out. The silly girl probably thought they would find it appalling. Poor Kylie, the secret must be killing her. Mina laid on the couch, eyes wide open, waiting for someone to sneak past.

She must have fallen asleep because her bladder woke her up some hours later demanding to be emptied and Mina dashed into her bedroom. She emerged three minutes later, looking confused. The clock showed 2:57am and Mina knew she'd missed all the action if any had happened.

The only option was to sneak into Kylie's room to confirm her suspicions. She moved stealthily towards Kylie's bedroom and turned the knob quietly. As soon as the door opened, she rolled into the room like she'd watched in the movies.

Kylie's room was really dark as the lights were turned off and the curtains drawn. With hands and knees, Mina groped her way through the room, and soon enough she banged her shoulder on a hard object. She groaned in pain and bit her lips to stop herself from shouting.

A few minutes after that, she hit her head on the wall and nearly fainted from the pain. She prayed wouldn't get a bump and forged ahead. Kylie's voice mumbling something made her freeze. She pulled the curtains aside to let in a little light and walked towards the bed.

Mina stared in shock as she watched Kylie sleeping soundly, clutching her duvet and talking in her sleep. With the realization that Kylie hadn't been lying after all, Mina decided to tiptoe back to her bedroom.

Mina had just gotten to the door when a scream pierced the air, she jumped up in fright and ran out of the room also screaming and clutching her chest.

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Eva stood in Mina's room holding her stomach while tears rolled down her face. Her body vibrated with laughter, and a sullen looking Mina scowled at her, trying to ignore the pain in her shoulder and hold an ice pack to her head.

“So you mean after everything it turned out it wasn't a lover or a phone call but that Kylie talks in her sleep?” Eva asked again.

“I don't talk in my sleep” Kylie said, trying not to laugh.

“She does Eva. I have a dislocated shoulder and a bump on my head to prove it” Mina groaned.

Kylie and Mina's screams had woken Eva. Kylie had thought it was a burglar and screamed. Mina hearing the unexpected noise had also started screaming and running while Kylie hopped out of bed and chased her with a shoe. Eva ran down, switched on the lights and stopped the noise.

“At least she'll mind her business for some weeks” Eva whispered closing Mina's bedroom door after giving her painkillers.

“I heard that!” Mina shouted then winced.

Eva and Kylie collapsed into a fit of giggles, running away from the door and to their various rooms. Eva was still laughing, Kylie was intrigued that she talked in her sleep while Mina sighed on her bed, making a vow to herself to be less nosy.


Everyone want to actually get the secret behind what is making Kylie marriage to work out as right

Noice 🤣🤣🤣

“Duh! Our rooms are literally close, and we hear each other. I think the walls are thin” Eva replied with a shrug.

It may be Mina

Thanks for the correction. I appreciate it😀

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This was an amusing tale of friendship with relatable dialogue which had me smiling most of the way through. Girlfriends and their antics!

Thank you for writing in The Ink Well.