Theinkwell poetry challenge | Caramel smell

in The Ink Well4 years ago (edited)

Caramel smell

The sweet smell of her mother's nipples
its cooing tone, the taste of dairy food
directly from courage and passion.

It was not enchantment or wisdom
identify who gave him life even in adversity
in worldly hostility of alone nine months .

Candy liquid in which she stayed while her
body developed, core after core, layer after layer,
of good intentions with sad mariners' songs.

She swam and swam between the amniotic, the sweet and the salty
among the spilt milk, among the loving arms,
between the emerald eyes of the forest smelling like caramel.

I'm coming to you; I'm close, only your smell wakes me
I open my mouth and find firmness
come to me you say pouring out caramel
from your chest.

Source: Photo by Zach Lucero on Unsplash.

This is my poetic participation for week 10 of the challenge organized by @theinkwell. To know the conditions of entry you can check the rules in the following link theinkwell poetry challenge | Week 10.

Thanks for reading.
Welcome your comments
Infinite greetings!

Poem @marcybetancourt
© Jul 2020, Marcy Betancourt. All rights reserved



Me encanta. Me sentí muy identificada. También soy mamá.

 4 years ago  

Las hijas identifican el olor de la mamá desde el vientre.
Es una intimidad única de la mujer mamá con sus hijos.
Gracias por la lectura @constgaladriel

It is a sweet and touching poem that praises the mystery of motherhood with attractive images. Greetings, @marcybetancourt.

 4 years ago  

She, the baby daughter, when she becomes a mom will understand the umbilical essence of sweet caramel.
Thanks for the comment @josemalavem