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RE: Theinkwell Poetry Challenge | How I Fell

in The Ink Well4 years ago (edited)

Hi, @hazem91.

About the poem:

I treacherous woman is a classic motive for a poem. In the first stanza we learn the speaker is probably a man who feels betrayed (by life, destiny?) and has been hurt after getting the wrong soulmate. In the second stanza, he lets us know he's not able to love again because he feels empty. The irony of his circumstances is stressed in the third stanza:

Her smile in my eyes, Her voice in my head,
Our vows to hold tight... none of them were lies.

This woman has become his soulmate indeed, but in such a twisted way: she is attached to him like a haunting ghost.

I read it aloud and there is an anapest at the end of each line. Nice!

Although it is a classic topic, you made it sound like heavy metal; the way I see it, this intensity is a plus.

Thanks for sharing :)

About the backstory and your final question:

It’s a tough one for me. I'm rather shy when it comes to talking to strangers. I think that anybody who chooses to talk to a stranger to discuss such matters probably needs professional help. However, the reply “You should see a psychiatrist” is far from polite and may hurt them instead of helping them. I think I’d just tell him that I’m sorry and that I understand how terrible his situation must be. I believe that commiseration is what most people with this sort of behavior are looking for; just a sample of warm empathy in a cold, cold world.


I missed your comments from back in the 100 days poetry challenge 🤗
they are still the same impressing and morale boosting kind of "reviews"
you seem to see a light in everything, even when it wasn't intended to be there
Thank you 😊

I missed those days, @hazem91. To some extent, that's the reason why I felt so happy to discover this community.
Thanks for your thoughtful and kind words :)