My malevolent mirror

in The Ink Well3 months ago

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"Within every person lies the capacity for darkness, and under the right circumstances, it will emerge."

There was a time in school when my friend whom we stayed together in the same room as my elder brother brought a guy to stay with us for some time.
When the guy came at first, he didn't show his true colors. He was quite normal. But after a few days not too long he started showing this unknown and unreasonable hatred for me. This guy I am talking about seniors me with at least more than five years, he is bigger than me and I accorded him the respect that he deserved.

I think the reason he doesn't like me is that we have very different points of view on almost everything. I really don't have any problem having opposite opinions on things with someone, but this guy was different too, he had a pride that made him hate anyone who had a strong will he couldn't change.
Although the tension was always between us I still acted like there was nothing.
But it was still noticeable from instances like the way he handled my belongings. There was one thing he always did that was obvious. Normally in the room, we helped each other remove the clothes that were washed and kept outside to sundry, but whenever he was around he would make sure to select my friend's clothes and his and leave mine outside to be beaten by the rain.

One day he washed his clothes early in the morning and hung them outside. I also had plans to wash that day so I waited for his to dry. After I was done washing I checked his clothes and they were dried by the hot sun that was out since morning.
He was on the bed playing a video game when I came in to tell him that his clothes were dried up.
"Daniel, Daniel," One of the things he also does is ignore me when I call him, "Daniel," I tapped him this time as I called him with a hint of not even half the anger I felt.
"What is it?" He answered me while still playing his game.
"Your clothes are dried and I need to hang my clothes too," I replied to him.
He didn't even answer me, he just paused his game and went to check the clothes then he came back and laid down continuing his game.
"Have you removed them or I should help you remove them?" I asked him.
"They are still wet and I want them to dry thoroughly," he answered me.

I knew he was just trying to provoke me and I aka gentleman who doesn't like trouble just ignored him and hung just two shirts with the little space I saw and left the rest in the bucket.
At around 3 pm Daniel had gone out and my friend Gilbert took went to school to play football.
I was asleep when the suddenly heavy rain started drumming against the roof. I jumped out of bed and immediately rushed to get the clothes outside. On reaching there I grabbed my clothes and just as I was about to get his the dark side of my mind emerged and said "I think it is about time I gave you a taste of your own medicine," and that is how I left his clothes in the rain.

My friend Gilbert came back first and didn't even say a word when he saw the clothes soaked in the rain and with some on the ground, because he knew everything Daniel was doing too.
When Daniel came back he was so sad that I thought he would start crying he asked Gilbert why his clothes were left in the rain. Gilbert just answered him, "I just got home a few minutes ago."
He didn't even ask me because he knew that he was in no position to question me.

The next day he had a test in the morning but missed it because he had nothing dry to put on to class.
I would admit that I felt satisfaction but I still felt a little guilty. I am a very quiet person but I have learned that some people feel they can step all over you just because you are quiet. I am still not a troublesome fellow but there is only much I can take.

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Quite unfortunate that he had to miss a test. I can actually imagine, too, how you felt with what happened to him the next day, but sometimes, it's okay to return the energy. Besides, it wasn't your fault that he missed a test. If he had taken on his clothes, nothing of that sort would have happened.
I only hope he learned a lesson. Did he??

No he didn't actually learn anything because he still behaved the same way till he found a place to stay.

Lol no need to feel guilty. I hope there was some change in Daniel’s attitude towards you?

There was actually no change till he left the house.

Sometimes giving people a taste of their own medicine is the only way to get them to wake up to the difficulties they are causing other people. We would have loved to know whether he changed his ways after that.

Well I guess Daniel is a really complicated one, cause he didn't change a single bit after the incident.

The only empathy is for him missing his test. I'm sure you would have helped him select two from the wire, and leave the rest if you knew it would affect his test.

Yes I would have helped him if I knew about the test. But unfortunately I didn't.

What a pity.

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