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RE: The best gift I had gotten for the entire year

in The Ink Well5 months ago

Now, David is my definition of "sweet". If I was in your shoe, I wouldn't scream like every girl would do, I would sit on the floor, stare at the gift with thousands of thoughts in my head, before crying and smiling. It not like I would want to cry but the tears would just come by itself and I would sniff. David is such an amazing person. You must have been a wonderful person to David to warrant such gesture. A big thank you to David on your behalf from me!


You made me laugh so hard with this comment. I was beyond happy; I am not sure this post does justice to how happy I was to have a friend like David. Thank you, I will send your gratitude to him.

I'm glad I made you laugh. Please, is David single? Just asking for a friend