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RE: You are NOT SINGLE, Mother

Oh, sorry about that. There is no situation like that because, at the end of the story, I think I highlighted the unlucky fate of Nathan. I think there's no need for that since the protagonist found his happiness in heaven. I focused on the moral lesson of what happened when a family would end up separated.

Sorry, but you mislead me.


One of the characters died in the story? There is no indication of that.

The point being made is that this is a vignette, and not a complete story. There are some very short fiction genres, such as micro fiction. But in The Ink Well, we encourage story settings, character development, and a strong story arc which is the development of a story conflict that resolves well in the end. Please see the linked resources, as these will help you to better understand what we are looking for in stories in The Ink Well community.

Also, it is important to know that we discourage moral lessons. You will find information about this in our FAQ post, and in the reminders in our monthly newsletter.

These tips are provided to help you to succeed with your writing and to write stories that are well-suited to our community. Hopefully you find them helpful.

I was wondering why you were so confused about the ending. I just realized now that it was not the kind of ending that I wrote. Sorry, I didn't notice that dblog didn't pasted the writings I copied in my google docs. So disappointed., really sorry