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RE: Fiction: That dark animal of sleep/ Ese oscuro animal del sueño (ENG/ ESP)

in The Ink Welllast month

What? I don't use A. I. I don't even know how to use them. I don't know why they look like those signs. Maybe it's because of the translator. I use Deepl. In fact, I make my Spanish version, which was attached to the post and then I translate it.


The software that we use is highly respected and flagged the original Spanish version. We are well aware of the issues that are faced with translations into English and this is why we test the original language version for AI and then also compare the Deepl translation against the published translation to ensure that AI has not then been applied to the translation. Lengthy pieces of descriptive prose/narrative can often be flagged as having potential AI influence by our detection software as they sometimes lack balance. We are not saying that you did use AI, we simply asked what editing tools you used and to what extent. Editing software that is used for anything but correcting spelling, punctuation, and basic grammar (basic grammar correction includes eg: correcting the form/tense of a verb) is considered AI influence. Many of our writers do not appreciate that when they accept Grammarly's suggestions relating to sentence structure,rephrasing, or improving fluency, that they are allowing AI to creep into their work. You are a respected member of The Ink Well but we do need to try to understand why the software flags when it does. The flag was not very high but was did creep above our threshold for what we allow to pass without question, and we therefore have to address it on every occasion with each writer concerned. We trust you understand the need to keep the community above board 🤗. Perhaps you need to consider what it may be about this particular piece of writing (style, balance, editing etc) that may be causing this. The piece was also relatively short compared to the guidelines of the community and this does not leave much for story development. This likely offset the balance and completeness of this piece.

Can you confirm what editing tools you used in preparing your Spanish draft, and to what extent, so that we may curate this piece?

I understand your position because I am also a content curator at HIVE and I know the work we are doing to counteract the use and abuse of A. I.
As you have rightly said, I am a loyal community writer. My work has been recognized by you and I have a style, which many of you already recognize. The only thing I use to make my texts, and that because I have to publish them in English, is the translator Deepl. Nothing else

Thank you for clarifying this. We shall curate your piece on this occasion :-)

Thank you very much