Phantom ship

in The Ink Well3 years ago (edited)

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As The Odessey cast off from the port, Antonio leaned against the railings to look back a the life he was leaving, and thought about was his future would look like..

In the early days of the journey the weather was all calm.
As the ship neared the horn of Africa, the weather took on a ghastly look, as the storm trashed Antonio laid in his bed overtaken by the sudden seasickness.

In the Bridge the captain
Urbain Grandier was startled by the sudden crackling of the radio, reaching towards it,as he reaches towards it, he freezes in fear as he here's a eerie voice calling his name and crackling in glee.
As he looks at his first mate in trepidation, he could see him break into a cold sweat as he looks past him, staring in shock at something obviously behind him.

Turning around in fear, as the storm rage and thunder pearls across the sky, he could clearly see the outline of a massive galley with huge sails listing badly, but he what appeared to be its crew walking around wheeling what looked like ancient canons onto the deck.

As Darkness engulfed the sea, he ran to radio for help, while he spun the helm, pulling the ship away from the path of the the oncoming vessel.

In his Cabin, Antonio felt the ship lurch violently before it spun to the left, as he was tossed to the floor, he felt he imagined the vision of a sailing vessel out to sea(who still used sails this days he thought).

Below deck Carach heard the static of the radio, followed by a loud crackle a sound like nails been dragged against a board.
As the other crew gathered around the radio, they heard a voice announcing for them to prepare to be boarded.

In his Cabin Antonio felt the temperature drop suddenly, as he ventured out, he saw a large galley pull out of the darkness of the sea.
He grazed in shock as its crew swung overhead dropping on the deck.
Slipping back into his room, he quickly and quietly crawls under the bunk to hide.

The captain of the Odessey stares in shock on the Bridge as he sees his ship. being boarded, he looks on to the Deck as a man with a magnificent beard and a devilish glint in his eyes, smiles and take a bow.

In his cabin Antonio closed his eyes and imagined seeing his family one last time as the vessel stopped dead in the middle of a raging storm.....


Hello @octaviusx Your picture source does not seem to be from a public domain site. Please fix that before we curate. Thank you.

Just did, kindly curate thank you..

Hello @octaviusx,

There seems to be a misunderstanding about the kinds of images we allow (here and on Hive). The source has to be public domain. A few of these are Pexels, Unsplash and Pixabay. You have to make sure that it is public domain for commercial use, because Hive is considered commercial use. It's commercial because it is monetized.

The story looks good. Well written. We would like to curate it with the proper image. Thank you.

Thank you for pointing out that, it has been corrected thank you.

Thank you. Can you please direct us to the public domain statement for this site. We are not familiar with it and need to be certain about that. It has to say free for commercial use. This is true for the entire Hive platform, not just Ink Well.

Hi @octaviusx. Please choose an image from Pexels, Pixabay or Unsplash.

Images on Pinterest are owned and copyrighted by people and businesses, and they are not available to be freely used.

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