The Cost of war

in The Ink Well3 years ago (edited)


As he was roughly yanked off the bed by his Dad,Damian muttered an inaudible curse word,it was a Saturday morning and he had every right to sleep in.
As he fully comes out of sleep he could hear air sirens wailing in the distance,Mom and Anne where both waiting in the kitchen as he walked behind his Father down the stairs.
He could hear screams,cars honking and the occasional gun fire as cars filled the streets below.
His mom already had a bag packed for him and he could see his Dad clutching his rifle as he scanned the streets.Anne was visibly shaken but tried to put on a brave face as did his mom.
Time to go his Dad called out,Damian made to take his PS 5 and Jordans,but his Dad told him there was no space for them.
He felt tears run down his face as he thought about leaving his most priced possessions,even Anne teared up as she was told she couldn't carry her Dolls and play set.
As they made their way down the stairs and out the house,Damian could see the Cause of the gridlock was a crashed Apache gunship,the type he usually used in his video games seeing the burnt husky of aircraft made no sense to him.
He looked up at the grim face of his Dad but couldn't bring himself to ask the nagging question,what was actually happening.
As they set off on foot for designated civilian shelters,they walk pass burnt out houses and cars,as fighter jets swish pass them on a mission to an unknown destination.
He thinks about his friends from school and wonder how much better they might be fairing.

You have some powerful imagery here, @octaviusx, bringing us right into the center of a battle scene in a civilian area.

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Just did,thanks you for letting me know

A very clear view of those on the other side of the war, the passive victims of this barbarism. You have described it well, in a short but rich way.