We underrate our blessings.

in The Ink Welllast month

It is a thing with humans; we underrate what we have or belittle what we have because we are envious of what another person possesses. Many of us have been made to believe that the grass is greener on the other side, and it has blinded us from seeing how green the grass on which we stand is. Many of us are so obsessed with attaining a certain level of success that we fail to see how much we have achieved. It is good to set the bars high, but don't let them stop you from celebrating your little achievements, as they count too.

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Growing up in a home where I was taught about contentment did not stop me from wanting more; I wanted a lot more than I had, to the point where I have little or no regard for what I already have. I had my ears down so I wouldn't miss out on any information that could help grow my finances. I tried a lot of things just to attain the financial stability I dreamed of. I got to know about hive, and I hopped on it and stayed dedicated to it. Though what I earned from the hive was not much, it was better than investing in Ponzi schemes that took from the little I had. At least I did not pay to get registered hive, but it made me more money than all the Ponzi schemes I paid for.

I had a friend who was so dedicated to gambling, and it fetched him a lot of money. I have had experience with gambling before, and it wasn't a pleasant experience, and I was not able to understand how it works, so I was forced to leave the space. A single win from his bets could be 10 times my earnings on the hive or even my entire month's earnings. I was envious of him and wanted to be like him. I told him to carry me along and teach me how to gamble as well; at least that way we'd be earning the same and our lives would be better.

"Franklin, is it like you will teach me how to bet, so I will be cashing out like you?" I said to him

"There's a lot more to betting than just the money; the money and wins can make you attracted to betting, but can you bear the losses?" Franklin responded

"Oga, teach me this thing, and don't try to discourage me; if you don't want to teach me, just say it," I responded.

"No problem; create an account with SportyBet and fund it; also, download the FlashScore app," Franklin replied.

The joy in my heart knew no bounds; finally, I would be making money like Franklin. Thoughts about how I would be spending and investing my money kept running through my mind, and I couldn't wait for him to put me through what to do and how to go about it.

"You will use the Flash Score app to check team stats; you will use this stats to predict the end result you expect from a team or match. Since you are new, I will do the analysis, and you just copy from me and bet yours," Franklin said.

"Thank you very much for accepting to take me on this journey. I am grateful." I was being grateful because, deep down, I thought I had crossed to the part where the grass was greener.

He talked and talked, and I just wanted him to leave talking and skip to the part where we start making money because that's why I left the hive platform and wanted to focus on betting.

"I just opened my betting account, and the bet we placed has disappeared," I told Franklin when I could not find the bets where they were supposed to be.

"I told you gambling is not all rosy; there are days where you hit a rock, and I also forgot to warn you to always stake what you can afford to lose," Franklin replied.

We are hitting a rock with my hard earned money and you are just informing me to stake only what I can afford to lose after I have already staked money for a textbook. Is textbook money something I can afford to lose? After countless losses, I realized I really underrated my blessing (hive) and went chasing after the wind. This is when I realized the grass is not always greener on the other side; at least on hive, I was not losing anything, but I was earning, but on the betting platform, I was losing everything and earning literally nothing.


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It's so easy to get caught up in comparing ourselves to others and thinking the grass is greener on their side. But the truth is we all have our own journey to walk, and it's important to celebrate our own victories along the way, no matter how small they may seem.

It's great that you realized the importance of not risking more than you can afford to lose.

These steady Hive earnings may not be flashy, but they sure are reliable.

What I have learnt in life is that what favor Another person might not favor you too so just stick to what you know how to do best .