The solution!!!

in The Ink Welllast month (edited)

The exam officer's office fling opened, and Mrs. Rosemary was called by the HOD. Chelsie, the girl in her final year said you haven't uploaded her 300L, first-semester results. Dr. Rosemary, responded to the HOD, she is coming to you as her course lecturer. HOD called Chelsie asking her which course, and she responded, saying, "6 results have not been uploaded including your course, psychology. HOD, says, was I the one handling that course? She nodded, in agreement.

HOD, stood up from his seat and searched for her results, the photocopied one. The HOD asked for her registration number. She mentioned it and the HOD searched for her results but he couldn't find them numerically arranged, that's according to He asked her, did you register for your courses on time, Chelsie nodded, saying, the man to whom she paid her school fees, forgot to register on time, so when the results were pasted on the notice board my name and my were omitted, said by Chelsie.

Chelsie, rushed to the Cyberman with anger, asking the man to whom she paid her school fees, asking him, why he didn't register her courses on time she had all her results omitted from the class list and nothing was found on the e-portal.
She screamed in anger for him to get her courses registered before it got late. "The man said, portals have closed there is no way to get it done, but there is an alternative". She said, what alternative? '#10,000($10.00) to get it done or else you have automatic carryover. Chelsie, breathing uncontrollably, called her eldest brother, to come over to the campus. The cyberman asked her why she was calling her brother, and Chelsie responded, 'To come to give you an earful since you don't want to register for my courses'.

The cybernan said, to avoid problems, I will register for you.

'Chelsie couldn't get back to her department to meet her exams officer and the HOD'.

'She returned to school the following day after her results were confirmed registered'.

Chelsie met with her HOD, telling him that her results were confirmed, and registered. HOD told her to go and meet the exam officer to get her results uploaded. She went back to Mrs. Rosemary and told her that her results had been seen by the HOD.

Chelsie mentioned the courses that were not uploaded online to Mrs. Rosemary, and they looked for them. Fortunately, they saw it one by one, though it took time. Chelsie was excited as she searched and saw her results and was signed by the HOD for a new update.

'Gush, as God would like it, she left Dr. Rosemary's office with tears of joy. Her exam officer said, " God has answered your prayers, so go and sleep and disturb me no more"

Chelsie smiled as she waited for Dr. Rosemary to see her off to the school to head home. She held her bag as they walked along the school road to the main gate.

"At this point, Chelsie could bid her exam officer, goodbye with an astonished smile on her face".

After two weeks, Chelsie saw her results online with a shout of joy.

"She happily, went to school with a token to present to her exam officer for helping her, despite the argument she laid not seeing her results". Chelsie stood her ground as a student to convince her, that she was with her results.

"Oops, Chelsie is extremely happy about her wins"

Dr. Rosemary, the exam officer, Dr. Nelson, the HOD, and Chelsie, the student are excited.

The results were achieved peacefully and amicably

Thank you for reading this fictional work, characterized by me.

I hope you enjoyed it.

I love, I care, and I forgive

I remain @peckypeace


It's good to know Chelsie was not lackadaisical about pursuing the upload of her courses and glad she made it at the end of the day.

She did a great job by not slacking. Thank you for reading.

You're welcome

Hello @peckypeace,
Although we understand by the end of this story that there was confusion about the student's grade reporting, it is difficult to follow the sequence of events as you describe them. For example, you refer to an HOD. Readers have no way of knowing what an HOD is. From the start we are a little disoriented. Then you describe the trail of tracing the grades and introduce another character, Cyberman, without identifying him.

All in all this is a rather confusing piece, and although we are pleased it all worked out for the student, the story line does not seem to have the kind of drama that would pique a reader's interest.

We appreciate that you took time to write this. Perhaps in the future you will reread your stories to see how they might seem to someone who doesn't know anything about the circumstances you describe.

Thank you for sharing this with us, @peckypeace.

Thank you for taking the time to read. This is my first time writing a fictional work. As I keep on, I will get to arrange my write-up that will pique people's interest. I hope by coming to this community, I will learn better on this aspect. Thank you very much.

That is a refreshing perspective, @peckypeace. In the Inkwell, we are all about helping writers develop their skills. Every writer, no matter how accomplished, strives to get better. We are happy to be a part of that process for you.

It is great to see Chelsie determination paying off in resolving the issue with her exam results.

Yeah, she was determined to do that and she got it. Thank you for reading