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RE: Writing Tip #6: How Writing Fiction Is Like Weaving

in The Ink Well4 years ago

They sure are a lot of do's and don't when it comes to story writing but some times we do prefer to ignore this things and go with the flow because it is always easier that way.. I hope this isn't being lazy cause I'm guilty of it. 😂😂


I think all writers are lazy sometimes, @prayzz. And certainly the "do's and don'ts" are not for everyone. But serious writers who have a desire for success must study the craft. Not everyone is a serious writer, and that's okay.

Indeed. It is easier to ignore the rules... pain in the arse I know!

But every writer who has ever improved has had to learn rules and craft.

It is kind of like saying; there are sure a lot of do and don't being doctor... it's always easier to rip out a spleen. After all who needs the spleen... it just filters blood. Who needs blood anyway!

Writing is like everything in this world. I you don't learn, if you don't research.... if you don't take the time to discover the unique voice that reflects your life... you will write mediocre stories at best. At worst, something that no one wants to read. It all depends how far you want to take it, and how committed you are 😉

It really is up to you!

it's always easier to rip out a spleen. After all who needs the spleen... it just filters blood. Who needs blood anyway!

😂😂😂 That was funny. But I got your point though, thanks.

Well said! Now, when it comes to surgeons, I like mine well-studied. No online learning or mail order doctors for me! I really insist that they have a full medical degree from an accredited institution! Ha ha.

The craft of writing is not easy. And it all depends on your goals as to how far you want to do with it. I always use baking and cooking as analogies. One can become a fair cook by following recipes. But to create something truly sublime that makes people's eyes roll back in their heads, you must pursue, learn, try, persist, study the masters, try again, learn more, and keep going.

Sorry, I commented on this post and saw then it's two years old. But, I thought I'd throw a comment in here too.

Rules are there to be broken and learning and going by the rules is how you know how to break them properly and for a reason. Rather than doing it by accident. I guess it's the difference between being an amature or proffesional. To a certain extent.

For example, in film there is something called the 180° rule, it's common and most people have heard of it. In camera set up your camera should stay to one side of the actors, to follow their eyelines. As it allows everyone to know that character A is to the left of screen and character B is on the right. The rule is broken if you flip the camera to the other side of the actors. Amature mistake, unless there's a reason.

Like for example a characrer changing there mind, or learning something that sickens them. It's known to disorientate an audiance. So there has to be significance for doing it.