Feel My Pain: The Inkwell Prompt #76

in The Ink Well2 years ago (edited)

The role of the mother in the family is very very important to the father and the children. "A good wife always stands firm behind her husband's success and that is why they are saying behind a successful man there is a woman." Likewise, also "behind a successful woman, there is a correct man."

Madam Juliana was a brave woman who could do anything for the progress of her family. Madam Julianna was an elementary class teacher and got married to Pa James, a man that worked with Chartered Bank Plc and they had three children. One boy, and two daughters.

One day, Pa James went to work as usual and started treating files he met on his table but after some minutes the Secretary knocked on his office door and she said Sir, I am directed to give you this letter and she handed over it to him and returned to her desk.

Pa James chuckled, So quick they decided to elevate me to the operation manager and opened the letter. Suddenly, he screamed. Hah! What have I done to deserve this? With all my efforts to make sure that this company attains this present position. He went straight to the manager's office. Sir, I received this letter. What have I done to deserve this? I am the breadwinner of my family, how much does my wife earn as a teacher? Many people depend on me. Please help me. Where do you want me to start from?

It was an order from above, and I have tried everything to reverse it but there is nothing I could do. Mr James, God will be with you. Said the manager.

Pa James left the office and when he got home no one was at home because the children and his had gone to school. He was the only one at home, sober, thinking about how to put things together to meet up with family's demands. He was on this, his wife entered and greeted him but he didn't answer because he had been lost in thought until Madam Juliana tapped him. He said, dear, when did you enter?

"My Joy, I have entered standing before you and talking but you could not answer me until I tapped you before knowing that I am in the house. My husband, I am seeing you, I hope there is no problem. Why were you lost in thought because you don't use to come home at these hours?" Said madam Juliana.

Pa James stood up, held madam Juliana's hands and narrated everything to her. She removed her hands from Pa James and sat down on the couch and bent her head.

"Oh my God! This is a real problem. What have you done that led to this?" Said madam Juliana.

Pa James said that was what I was asking myself when I read it. This is too much for me, where am I going to start from? How am I going to cater for the needs of this family again? I am finished.

No, No, you are not finished because you are not the only one in this. I will do everything to feel the vacuum. Said madam Juliana.

Madam Julianna was industrious and she did everything to support her family. Aside from her teaching job, she went to borrow money to start a petty trade to increase her income. As an African woman, she used to wake up early to check on her little children when they were still in bed to know whether they wanted to urinate and put them on the potty before returning them to bed. She will find the means to prepare meals for the children so that they won't know that their father could not provide at home again.

All the efforts of Pa James to get a job again were futile, thereafter he became unreasonable again. Somebody who doesn't have a job is still engaged in an extramarital affair with another woman outside because she was richer than Madam Juliana. To the extent that he used to bring her home and Madam Juliana caught them on several occasions and she just confronted him once.

"You James, so you could do this to us, with all my sacrifice to make sure that everything is fine. God will judge you." Said Madam Juliana.

After a while, Pa James didn't come home again and it was only Madam Juliana that shouldered all the children's responsibilities. Later, God was faithful to her because as little as her children were they knew what their mother did to train them single-handedly without help from anybody. When she could not get money to pay for their examination, she sold her best clothes to raise money to settle the bill. This made these children content with whatever their mother gave them.

After her children finished secondary education, they were fortunate to win scholarships to study abroad. The eldest child's name was Smart became a medical doctor, the second child was a matron in a government hospital, and the last child was a pilot.

These children joined hands to build one beautiful house for their mother and hired people that will take care of their mother at homes such as Gardner, gatekeeper, and chef. The woman that Pa James ran after had left him and followed a sugar daddy who could meet her demand financially.

However, one evening some good samaritan rushed Pa James to the emergency department in the hospital where the elder child was working as a medical doctor. First of all, they rescued his life to some extent. This stage was another person that I attended and this good samaritan was told to deposit $100000 because it required them to carry out a major operation to make him normal again.

Oh, God! We just assisted him, we were not his relatives and when there was no one to care for him, another man snatched his wife from him. He doesn't have children and whatever food is left in our house we used to give to enable him to eat daily. Whatever you can do to assist him, please God will reward you. Said good Samaritans.

The doctor replied do you think we are running a charitable organization here? We will pay the salaries of those people working with us and it is money we would use to buy drugs and other necessary things. Without money, this place cannot exist. Please take him away from this place I beg!

They were worried about the condition of Pa James to the extent that women among them were crying aloud to disturb the peace of the people in hospital beds.

Dr Smart came out to warn them but they didn't listen to him. Later, he approached them in a friendly manner to ask what the problem is all about but they told him there was one man we brought to the hospital for treatment and we don't know anyone with him except his ex-wife who has been snatched by the rich man. We were told to pay $100,000 but we have paid $15,000 and if the money is not complete we should carry him from the hospital. The point is, where are we taking him to? Is it to take him home and watch him die or what?

Okay, let me see the man and I will look at what I can do to assist. Said, Dr Smart.

When he got there, he asked again who are you talking about?

One among Samaritans said this is the man we are talking about.

Dr Smart asked Can you tell me his name, please?

We are calling him Pa James. Said one of the good Samaritans.

Dr Smart was furious, Do you mean this man?

And he walked away. When he got home, he said Mummy, guess who I saw today?

You know, I don't good at it, just tell me what it is. Said madam Julianna.

Hmmm, I saw your husband today. He was brought to the emergency department in the hospital and he could not recognise me again. What pain me most is that those people who bought him were telling me that another man had snatched the woman he ran away with and he had been rendered useless because people around the ones are feeding him, to the extent that they were telling me he does not have children. He needs an urgent operation to save his life but has no money to pay. Said Pa James' eldest child.

Madam Juliana said so is that how God quickly judges? It was an olden days' god that was slow in judgment but this generation's God is using Jet to give judgment accordingly without wasting time. See my son, let us Worship God through him. I know you have the power to do it, go and make sure he is fine.

Alright, ma, but if I do it is for the sake of you because we did not feel his impact on our lives. Said Pa James' eldest child.

After Pa James got better and he was discharged from the hospital without paying a dime, even $15000 paid by good Samaritans was refunded back to them. When he returned home, his neighbours asked him to go and appreciate the favour that he received from the doctor.

How do I get to his house now if I want to see him? Said Pa James.

They replied that there is no problem with that one, we know his residents and we will take you to that place this weekend.

On getting there, they met some of Dr Smart's colleagues in the living room chatting.

Pa James said peace unto this house, we are looking for a Doctor.

As he was asking for a doctor, madam Juliana was coming out of the room.

Who am I seeing? Sorry, madam. Are you, Juliana? Said Pa James.

Yes, I am the one James. What are you doing here? What do you want? Please, before I open my eyes, leave this place now or else you will be arrested by the police officer. Said madam Juliana.

Pa James' neighbours were confused and they asked Sir, do you know each other before?

Pa James sober and said in a gentle tone that yes, she is the mother of my children.

Wow! How come? We knew the one that rich man snatched from you. So you have children and you are suffering like somebody with no relation. This is interesting.

Madam Juliana cuts in. You see your life, you could not recognise your child again. I pity you.

But madam please have mercy and give him another chance! We are begging you. We think that he has learned from his mistakes! Said Pa James' neighbour.

"You are begging me now and it is not as if I am wicked but you should feel my pain. If you are the one, how will you feel?" the person that left with little kids without looking back to know what I was passing through. Although, I can not choose another father for these children. Said Madam Juliana.

"Pa James was reluctant and said please there is nothing I will say that will reverse what has gone. I know that I offended you and these children and he bowed down and held madam Juliana's legs. Forgive me, I am begging you."

It was the intervention of Dr Smart that made them reconcile in the end and they were living together again as one family.

       The End

You have written a story with a powerful conflict and a clear resolution. There are many people who feel the end is not just. But justice and mercy are not the same. In this story, you chose to let mercy and forgiveness prevail.

Thank you for sharing this story with us and for engaging with other writers in the community.

Thank you for your comments and support on my piece.

Congratulations for this writing, I really liked how you raised the historical development of the couple, I felt that I went through their whole life since they met until they got married, separated and reached old age, very good way to love all this literary structure, thanks for this learning that gives me through this story.

Thank you very much for visiting my blog.

Sometimes we have to make choices and I loved reading this story to the end.

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