The Unexpected Unplanned Affection

I finally got the opportunity to tell her how I felt about her, being a shy person naturally this meant a lot to me. It took a lot of courage and advise from friends to finally walk up to my crush and tell her how I felt. While this felt like a dream come through I couldn’t help but realize how confused I was. I spent so much time trying to learn how to express my feelings to her that I forgot about the aftermath of that. Part of me never imagined having a relationship with her because of my pessimism.


The day I told her about my feelings for her, she smiled and said she felt the same, this came as a shock to me because she hated me at first. We had an unpleasant first encounter. The first time we met, I was hurriedly trying to get to class because I was late for my math class in college. While trying to get to class on time so I could catch up with what the lecturer was teaching, we had a shoulder bump. After class, she came up to me rudely, raining insults on me on how inconsiderate I am. How I was so non chantant, apparently our shoulder bump had caused her phone to hit the floor and got its screen heavenly cracked.

Her rude unpleasant approach pissed me off, I got angry and left the scene. Weeks later, I decided to go apologize, she didn’t want to hear my apology at first until I decided to reimburse half payment it cost to fix her phone screen. I think that act made her hatred for me reduce a little bit. We became just friends after that day, but not really good friends. She became that friend that when you see her, you can’t help but say “Hi” to.


Our first long conversation that lasted for over 30 minutes was when I was waiting for my friends who were in the computer lab having lectures. I stood behind the class waiting for them, I guess she was bored that day, so she used that as an opportunity to come stand close to me. We had intense long personal conversations, this gave me an opportunity to bond with her and we became closer. We exchanged phone numbers and started having long chats, I felt a connection but was too careful to misinterpret her kindness for being flirtatious.

It’s almost impossible to spend so much time talking to someone on the phone every day without catching feelings for them. This was my case with her, I caught feelings for her and didn’t know how to act because I didn’t want to ruin our relationship. Spending 6 months getting to know someone is enough time to let you know what they like and wouldn’t like. She once told me of this fantasy of being asked out in an open space having dinner, By the light of the moon.


Being a person who is not used to embracing and expressing his feelings I had to call for some help. I thank God for the type of friends I have, they are always ready to come through for me when the time is right. All I had to do was tell them what she meant to me and what her fantasy meant to her and that could be my only chance of getting her.

Getting her to agree on coming to the location for the date wasn’t an easy one, because she had a serious assignment that was due in two days time. I pleaded with her and promised her that this date was going to be a special one because I put in so much effort into trying to make it special. I think she got an idea of what I wanted to do when I said that.

The date day was a little bit intense for me because I had a lot of doubts, I thought of the humiliating feeling I will feel if I ever get rejected. I was close to backing out and telling my friends to cancel all plans, but they assured me that everything was going to be fine. She is not the first girl I ever asked to be my first girlfriend, but she was about to be the first girl I was going to ask to be my girlfriend in a grand style. I didn’t want my first grand gesture to be a disaster.


We got to the location and from the look in her eyes, she was impressed and I think she expected it to happen. That look in her eyes gave me the courage and confidence to do it. The moment I popped the question and she agreed, I became really happy. That day was one of the happiest days of my life.


The narrator is lucky to have such understanding and supportive friends.

He surely liked that girl a lot, glad she agreed. At least he'd get more experience and not be all that head over heels in his next experience. 😛

Nice story, thanks for sharing.

😂 he had other love experience but this one is special

You capture in this story the innocence of young love. There is uncertainty, hope,and apprehension. In the end, we feel the relief and joy of our young protagonist as his special date wins over the one he has a crush on.

Thank you for sharing this story with the Ink Well community. We appreciate that you engage with other authors in the community.

Thank you so much for your comment

If this story is not yours, I might come to your house and stone you because right now I am just happy for you. I love LOVE😩

😂 slow down with the happiness and stoning because, it’s all fiction.


Oh... how very romantic my friend. This mystery girl must've been really something I'm sure. I mean from the way the narrator's expressions and the way he describes the girl, you can tell that he is truly head over heels for her.

Ahh...what a heartwarming ending to a very charming story. I assume they got married right?..

😂 well, am not sure they got married, I think life happened.