Fiction: Sasha (Sasha) [EN/ES]

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“Come on, come, come, come, come with me, nooo...”

Frank's constant noises woke Irma up. She was puzzled, days ago her husband had started talking in his sleep. The words that seemed to make no sense, left the woman wondering what was going on in the man's mind.

Frank had finally ceased his babbling and slept on in silence. Irma lay back down and closed her eyes determined to return to the dream world, at that instant she heard again. “How well you do, my baby!”

Irma immediately sat up and elbowed her husband with great force. “Wake up, Frank!” his wife shouted in a furious tone.

The man quietly stirred, shaking off the sleep that overpowered him. Running his hands over his eyes, he said to her. “What's the matter, woman, let me sleep in peace.” Frank returned to his initial position to continue falling asleep.

“Who are you calling baby, no shame.” Irma felt her blood boil like in a pressure cooker.

Frank's eyes would flutter open and he would sit up in disbelief. “Me, me, did I say me? Not like you think, woman, you're crazy.” The man raved and blurted words into the air with his twitching mouth.

“You were talking in your sleep and calling someone, baby.” The woman stared at Frank waiting for an answer.

“Please, woman, You'll be jealous of me even when I'm asleep. Control that jealousy and let me sleep, I have to work early.” Frank would go back to bed and pull the covers over himself, to avoid any more uncomfortable questions.

Irma would slap her husband on the back and go back to sleep. When dawn came Frank would get up and go to make breakfast and from the kitchen, he would call out to Irma. “Sweetheart, sweetheart, come quickly, I'll make you some eggs just the way you like them.”

Irma, surprised by her husband's behavior, went to the kitchen. “Thank you, but, what's all this about?”

“I just want to spoil my little love before going to work.” A smile was painted on Frank's face as he served the morning feast.

Irma thought about leaving everything behind and moving on with her life. The husband and wife chatted for a while, and laughter erupted after each of Frank's insightful comments. The man after a few minutes left for his work, said goodbye to his wife with a big kiss.

Despite all the strange circumstances, Irma went on with her routine, but something kept nagging in her head and as much as she wanted to, she couldn't stop thinking about what she had been going through lately with her husband. She thought about the late arrivals of the last week and his excuses that now seemed hardly credible.

Night came and the couple was about to go to sleep, Irma asked Frank. “My little love, what happened at the office today, I imagine you had a lot of work again.” An irony floated in the words thrown into the air of the room.

“Sure, Woman, this week has been super heavy, I'm tired I'm going to sleep.” Frank would turn over and cuddle up to surrender to restful sleep.

Irma went to bed with many uncertainties and with thousands of thoughts sailing through her mind. After a few hours, she fell asleep, then between dreams, she heard words, woke up, and opened her brown eyes.

Her long black hair had tangled around her angelic face and with her hands, she hurried to remove the hair fibers. Frank was again blurting out a few words, which became clearer as he kept repeating. “Baby, come my precious, here's your daddy. Come, my baby, come, come, come, come my Sasha.”

Irma felt her blood boiling and rushing to her head. She wanted to hit him with all her might, but she restrained herself and thought better of the situation, she had to meet Sasha and catch her husband red-handed so he couldn't deny anything.

That night she was a cloudy bundle of nerves and insomnia, thinking of what the morning would bring for her life, she thought of the thousands of tragic futures that could arise when she met Sasha and Frank. She had no choice but to unmask her husband and discover the truth.

The night was a languid sigh for Irma. The hours ran so slowly that she felt she was aging a few more years on her husband's account. The longed-for morning came amidst worries and nerves. Her husband, innocent of everything, continued with his daily routine, finished breakfast, and left for the office.

Irma went out after him, she would spend the whole day watching him. She put on dark glasses, a cloud-white scarf, and a pink cap. Frank arrived at the office and lost himself in the thick glass doors. Irma was getting out of the cab and walked into a coffee shop that faced the building where Frank worked.

The hours passed between people coming and going, and the tenth cup of tea put an end to the wait. It was time to leave and she watched Frank leave the building, to his surprise he was alone, he took a cab and the anguished wife ran to take another one. After a few minutes, the cab with the husband took a different route to the house.

Irma confirmed what she had feared so much, her heart beat fast and her pupils followed the movements of the cab. The vehicle stopped at a white house with exquisite elegant forms. Frank got out of the vehicle and knocked on the door, it opened instantly and he was lost inside.

The woman felt her stomach churning and had a strong feeling of vomiting, she managed to control herself and stayed strong, she was prepared for whatever was behind that door. With firm steps, she walked to the entrance and knocked hard putting all her will into the movement.

She heard footsteps behind the door, her heart suddenly accelerated and the butterflies in her stomach seemed to make a revolution. Irma was ready for anything and ready to face her destiny. The knob moved and in that brief moment, she looked at the woman, face to face.

“Damn it, Sasha, homewrecker. I'll scalp you.” Irma was lunging at the stunned woman.

Frank heard the commotion and came out to stop the furious wife. “Woman, for God's sake, what's the matter with you?”

“Shut up, you unfaithful man, I caught you red-handed with this dirty woman.”

“What are you talking about, Irma?”

“She's that Sasha, the one you dream about every night, you scoundrel!”

“Haha..., by God, woman, She's not Sasha, she's Jessy, Harry's wife, a co-worker.”

“And Sasha? And why do you come to this house at this hour?”

“I'll explain, and I'll show you.” Frank took Irma by the hand and led her to the patio. “This is Sasha, she's a puppy that Harry gave me and all these days I've been coming to see her, waiting for her to grow up so I can take her home. I was so nervous to tell you since I know you don't like dogs and it seems that my subconscious gave me away. Haha.”

Irma felt so ashamed that she had to accept Sasha, but over the months she became so attached that the two became best friends, and Frank was happy to have his cute puppy and his wife together.

The end




«Vamos, ven, ven, acompáñame, nooo...»

Los constantes ruidos de Frank hicieron despertar a Irma. Ella estaba desconcertada hacía días su esposo había empezado a hablar dormido. Las palabras que parecían carecer de sentido, dejaban pensando a la mujer en lo que estaba sucediendo en la mente del hombre.

Frank finalmente había cesado su palabrería y siguió durmiendo en silencio. Irma volvió a recostarse y cerró los ojos decidida a volver al mundo de los sueños, en ese instante volvió a escuchar. «¡Qué bien lo haces, mi nena!».

Irma inmediatamente se sentó y codeó con gran fuerza a su marido. «¡Despierta, Frank!», gritaba su esposa en un tono fúrico.

El hombre sosamente se movía, sacudiéndose el sueño que lo dominaba. Pasándose las manos por los ojos, él digo a ella. «Qué pasa, mujer?, déjame dormir en paz». Frank volvía su posición inicial para seguir conciliando el sueño.

«¿A quién llamas nena?, sin vergüenza». Irma sentía hervir su sangre como en una olla presión.

Frank abría los ojos de sopetón y se levantaba ofuscado. «Yo, yo, acaso dije, yo. No como crees, mujer, estás loca». El hombre desvariaba y soltaba palabras al aire con su boca titilante.

«Hablaste dormido y llamabas a alguien, nena». La mujer miraba fijamente a Frank esperando una respuesta.

«Por favor, mujer, me vas a celar hasta cuando estoy dormido. Controla esos celos y déjame dormir, tengo que trabajar temprano». Frank se volvía a acostar y se tapaba con las cobijas, para evitar más preguntas incómodas.

Irma le pegaba a su esposo en la espalda y volvía a dormir. Al llegar el amanecer Frank se levantaba e iba a hacer el desayuno y desde la cocina llamaba a Irma. «Amorcito, amorcito, ven pronto que te preparé unos huevitos como a ti te gusta».

Irma extrañada por el comportamiento de su esposo, se dirigió hasta la cocina. «Gracias, pero a qué se debe todo esto».

«Solo quiero consentir a mi amorcito antes de ir al trabajo». Una sonrisa se pintaba en el rostro de Frank, mientras servía el banquete mañanero.

Irma pensó en dejar todo olvidado y continuar con su vida. Los esposos conversaron un rato y las risas florecían tras cada comentario perspicaz de Frank. El hombre después de unos minutos salió para su trabajo, despidiéndose de su esposa con un gran beso.

A pesar de todo el conjunto de extrañas circunstancias, Irma siguió con sus rutina, pero algo seguía punzándole la cabeza y por más que quería no podía de dejar de pensar en lo vivido últimamente con su esposo. Pensó en las llegadas tarde de la última semana y sus excusas que ahora parecían poco creíbles.

Llegó la noche y la pareja de disponía a dormir, Irma pregunto a Frank. «Mi amorcito, ¿qué pasó hoy en la oficina?, me imagino que nuevamente tuviste mucho trabajo». Una ironía flotaba en las palabras lanzadas al aire de la habitación.

«Claro, Mujer, esta semana ha sido súper pesada, estoy cansado voy a dormir». Frank se daba vuelta y se cobijaba para entregarse al sueño reparador.

Irma se acostaba con muchas incertidumbres y con miles de pensamientos navegando por su mente. Después de algunas horas se durmió, después entre sueños ella escuchaba palabras, se despertó y abrió sus ojos castaños.

Su largo cabello negro se había enredado en su rostro angelical y con las manos apuro a quitarse las fibras capilares. Frank volvía a soltar algunas palabras, que se fueron haciendo más claras con forme seguía repitiendo. «Nena, ven mi preciosa, aquí está tu papi. Ven mi Nena, ven, ven, ven mi Sasha».

Irma sintió que le hervía la sangre y le subía rápidamente a la cabeza. Quiso golpearlo con todas sus fuerzas, pero se contuvo y pensó mejor la situación, debía conocer a Sasha y agarrar a su esposo infraganti para que no pudiera negar nada.

Esa noche fue un manojo turbio de nervios e insomnio, pensando en lo que la mañana traería para su vida, pensaba en los miles de futuros trágicos que podían suscitarse al encontrarse con Sasha y Frank. No tenía otra alternativa que desenmascarar a su esposo y descubrir la verdad.

La noche fue un lánguido suspiró para Irma. Las horas corrieron tan lento que sintió envejecer unos años más por cuenta de esposo. La anhelada mañana llegó entre preocupaciones y nervios. Su esposo inocente de todo, siguió con su rutina de todos los días, terminó el desayuno y salió para la oficina.

Irma salía tras de él, pasaría todo el día vigilándolo. Ella se colocó unas gafas oscuras, una bufanda blanca como las nubes y una gorra rosada. Frank llegó a la oficina y se perdió entre las puertas de cristal grueso. Irma se bajaba del taxi y entró a una cafetería que daba frente al edificio donde trabajaba Frank.

Las horas transcurrían entre gente que iba y venía, la décima taza de té ponía fin a la espera. Llegó la hora de salida y miró a Frank salir del edificio, para su sorpresa iba solo, tomó un taxi y la esposa angustiada corría para tomar otro. Luego de algunos minutos, el taxi donde iba el esposo tomó un camino diferente al de la casa.

Irma confirmó lo que tanto temía, su corazón latía rápido y sus pupilas exaltadas seguían los movimientos del taxi. El vehículo se detuvo en una casa blanca con unas exquisitas formas elegantes. Frank bajó del vehículo y tocó la puerta, le abrieron al instante y él se perdió en el interior.

La mujer sentía que su estómago se revolvía y tuvo una fuerte sensación de vómito, logró controlarse y se mantuvo fuerte, estaba preparada para todo lo que hubiera tras esa puerta. Con pasos firmes se dirigió hasta la entrada y tocó con fuerza poniendo toda su irá en el movimiento.

Ella escuchó pasos detrás de la puerta, su corazón se aceleró repentinamente y las mariposas en su estómago parecían hacer una revolución. Irma estaba dispuesta a todo y a enfrentarse a su destino. La perrilla se movía y en ese breve instante miró a la mujer, frente a frente.

«Maldita Sasha, destructora de hogares, te arrancaré esas greñas». Irma se abalanzaba sobre la mujer que quedó atónita.

Frank escuchó el alboroto y salió a detener a la esposa furiosa. «Mujer, por Dios, ¿qué te sucede?».

«Cállate, hombre infiel, te agarre infraganti con esta sucia mujer».

«¿De qué hablas, Irma?».

«Ella es la tal Sasha, con la que sueñas todas las noches, ¡canalla!».

«Jaja..., por Dios, mujer, Ella no es Sasha, ella es Jessy, la esposa de Harry, un compañero de trabajo».

«¿Y la tal Sasha? y ¿por qué vienes a esta casa a estas horas?».

«Ya te voy a explicar, ven y te muestro». Frank tomaba de la mano a Irma y la llevaba hasta el patio. «Ella es Sasha, es una cachorrita que me regaló Harry y todos estos días la he venido a ver, esperando que se crezca para llevarla a casa. Tenía muchos nervios por decirte, ya que sé que no te gustan los perros y tal parece que mi subconsciente me delató, jaja».

Irma sintió tanta pena que tuvo que aceptar a Sasha, pero con los meses llegó a encariñarse tanto que las dos se hicieron las mejores amigas y Frank estaba feliz por tener a su linda cachorra y a su mujer juntas.



Sources of the covers images
Source 1 Source 2 Source 3
Edited by Rincón Poético.

The text of this post was originally translated from Spanish to English with the translator DeepL
Original content


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Aww. I was waiting to knock the homewrecker over as well, lol. It's nice to know it was a pet he had speaking about in his dream. I love that the whole detective role his wife played made accepting the dog much easier than Frank had thought it would be.

I'm glad you enjoyed the story, there is no better satisfaction knowing that the story touched feelings and immersed yourself in the plot.

Thank you for leaving such a beautiful comment.
Happy Tuesday.

I didn't see it coming. I never imagined that Sasha was a pet. It is good to have a little restraint when addressing issues like this. Harry's wife must have been hurt with such an accusation. However, I understand the level at which a lovely wife can be jealous. It's good that it all ended well.

Thank you for taking your time to read and leaving a very meaningful comment. I'm glad it took you by surprise, the idea was precisely that.

Happy day.

Thank you, @rinconpoetico7. It's always joy reading your work.

You create a wonderful sense of tension and intrigue only to resolve it in a more than adorable, sweet and tender way. A well plotted, entertaining and interesting read.

Thank you with all my heart for your words, I am really glad that you liked the story. I really wanted to make a story with a lot of suspense, intrigue, a happy and tender ending.

A hugs @theinkwell!

That worked out to his advantage! She could hardly refuse him the puppy after accusing him of cheating!!!

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Thank you for stopping by, leaving your kind comment and your valuable support. Always grateful from the heart.

Happy Tuesday!

Me mantuvo intrigado, pensando en que estaria soñando Frank. Irma es peligrosa con sus celos, pocas mujeres segurían a sus esposos. Jajajaja. Gracias por tu historia.

It kept me intrigued, wondering what Frank was dreaming about. Irma is dangerous with her jealousy, few women would follow their husbands. Hahahahaha. Thanks for your story.

It seems that Frank must be careful not to anger his wife, we already saw what he is capable of doing. Ha ha.

Thank you for stopping by and leaving your kind comment.

Good day.

This is a tender story of suspicion and doubt with a humorous twist at the end. Very good interpretation of the prompt. The main aspect that I found attractive in your story is your descriptions of scenes and situations as in the following example:

The night was a languid sigh for Irma. The hours ran so slowly that she felt she was aging a few more years on her husband's account. The longed-for morning came amidst worries and nerves. Her husband, innocent of everything, continued with his daily routine, finished breakfast, and left for the office.

Nicely done!