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RE: The Ink Well Prompt #79 - Plus Weekly Challenge and Prize Announcement

in The Ink Well2 years ago

Oh challenging, the action bit! I'll try to relocate my muse. It's a bit lacklustre of late.

Kudos to the awesome fiction writers here. I love so many of them!


It happens to all of us at one time or another. We are always hopeful that our prompts will get the juices flowing, @riverflows. 😍

It worked! For some reason I get along better with the noun prompts - sinkhole was a good one. Thanks!

Your stories are always dynamic. I think it comes to you naturally. Let's hope 'sinkhole' does the trick :)

Thanks so much @agmoore. It'll be out in a few hours. I was at school doing a cover lesson and they were awfully quiet, and my mind went places - pulled into the sinkhole, as it were. Just when I thought I didn't have it in me. Hope you enjoy it!

pulled into the sinkhole


Hahah! Yep.

It's done!