Into the forbidden woods

in The Ink Well2 months ago

“Keep out. Unidentified danger ahead.”

We saw the sign inscribed on the metal plate attached to the gate. The gate was locked with two giant chains but that was not enough warning to keep us off. We were adventurous.

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“How do we get in?” Martha asked the group but her face was focused on me.

“I mean, the gate is locked. Aren’t we meant to go back?” Jordan added, pointing his flashlight inside the gated fence which was only debris, trees and thick woods.

“We aren’t going back!” I ascertained as I brought out a hacksaw from my backpack and began to use it on the chains.

“You’ve got to be kidding me. George!” Penelope, who had been quiet for a while, finally spoke.

“You lots are a bunch of scaredy rats!” Alex retorted, joining me to cut the chains off.

“Guys, I really think we should head back,” Martha, who was starting to shiver said as she held onto Penelope.

“Yay!!” Alex and I rejoiced as we finally got through with the chains.

I moved closer to Penelope and Martha. I kind of understand why they are being scared and all. This place kind of looks scary and well, they are ladies.

“Listen, ladies. We knew what we were in for before we came here. This isn’t the first time we're going on an adventure like this,” I tried to comfort them.

“But you’ve heard stories about this place,” Martha said.

“And those stories seem to be true. This place feels eerie,” Penelope added. They both looked around and shrugged their shoulders at the chirping sounds.

“Those are just hearsay, they aren’t true. Don't tell me you believe that bullshit!”

“That this place makes you do things you don’t wanna do?” Alex scoffed, rolling his eyes.

“Okay. We are just going in for a few minutes. As soon as we feel or hear something off, we back out immediately,” I tried to assure them.

They both looked at each other’s faces before looking back at me without saying anything.

“Besides, we have our flashlights and safety kits,” Alex added.

“I hope this doesn't get bad,” Martha said as she freed herself from Penelope, ready to move.

I looked over at Jordan who had an uncertain look on his face and patted his shoulder.

“You’ll be fine,” I said.

I unshackled the chains from the gate and before I pulled the gates apart, they went wide open, causing the ladies to jump a bit.

“It’s all fine. I opened it,” I quickly chip in. I could see the doubt on their faces but that was the only thing I could say to make them less scared.

As we walked in, the trees danced to the tide of the wind with the branches moving to its waves. The birds flew in unity as if fleeing from a presence in the woods.

I pointed my flashlight to the trees but saw nothing.

“This doesn’t feel right!” Jordan clamored but I ignored him.

We went further, deeper into the woods in silence. No one was willing to break the silence that had mounted among us.

We were about thirty minutes into the woods when we saw a diversion. On one of the diversions was a pile of Hay. We pointed our flashlights in the two directions and ended up going in the other direction with no Hay.

“Help!” we all heard. We turned around to where the scream came from but saw no one. We moved closer to the direction with the pile of Hay, taking slow steps.

As we got there, we saw a hollow, pitch-dark and deep as a concave.

“Where’s Jordan?” Martha asked and we looked around but didn't see him.

“Oh my God, where is Jordan?” Penelope asked again and then it dawned on me, he fell into the pit.

“Jordan!” they called as they looked around but I laid on the ground and pointed the flashlight into the pit.

“Jordan!” I called everything in me but got no response. “Jordan!” We all called.

“Leave!” we suddenly heard.

“Jordan? Is that you?” I asked but got no response.

“Leave!” we heard again.

“Oh God. What was that?” Martha asked, tearing up.

I looked over at Alex and I could see the fear in his eyes which he was trying to mask up with bravery.

“Leave my home!!” the voice sounded angry this time which instilled the greatest fear in us as we all began to run.

We ran farther away from the pit without looking back only to stop at a cliff.

Realizing the cliff, we backed off a little but Penelope fell through.

“No!!” I yelled as I stretched my hand out to reach her but it was too late.

“George. What are we going to do?”

“We go back to the car!” I said but Martha was not in sight.

“Where is Martha?” I asked and suddenly, Alex pushed me over the cliff.

“No!!” my voice echoed down the hill. While my eyes were still open, I saw Alex throw himself down the hill as well.

“Fuck!” I thought as I slowly shut my eyes, preparing my mind for death. “We should have believed the tales. This place makes you do things you don’t want to.”

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Hive Power Up Day - May 1st 2024

No one would wait in such environment as the strange voice kept saying you all should leave it's home.

It's said that curiosity kills the cat. That's exactly what happened here

I read through, observing the events that slowly occurred. At some point I was wondering what or who was responsible for the inexplicable occurences until I got to the end where I put the pieces together. I remembered Alex saying "This place makes you do the things you don't want to" then I linked it to the weird suicidal behaviours and it all made sense.

Cool storyline✨

Thank you for enjoying the story and paying attention to all the details.♥️

The world unknown has many unknown outcomes and staying away from keep out signs may be a good decision even though does not portray an adventurous life. Painfully, seems all were lost to oblivion. Thank you for sharing.

So true. The promise of adventure blinds is to it's destructive nature. Not all adventures are bad though but we do need to stay away when we see keep our signs. Thanks a bunch for reading.

You're welcome

Apparently it was a terrible mistake to go to that place, they did things they didn't want to and it ended tragically. A good dark and horror story.

Thanks for sharing.
Good day.

That's right. Thank you, rinconpoetico7

That place was a no place to go, But it is a place for an adventure though.

Why do I feel like I have missed reading from you for a long time Sabrinah?🙄

Why do I feel like I have missed reading from you for a long time Sabrinah?🙄

I'm sorry, Queen. I promise I'll give a story to read everyday, starting tomorrow. Pinky Finger 🤘

Awwww! 🤗🤘

Now this is a story I like. Heheheh
I was thinking it was gonna be a dream but I guess not
Everything happened so fast before they realized they have gone to the wrong place
Nice story

The friends defy the warnings from the forest and pay the consequences. A forest that controls people's actions? Dangerous indeed! Sounds intriguing as a reader but then this piece doesn't evolve. There is great dialogue but I wanted to see more development of this story and its characters. Instead, we are left not understanding how or what is happening to the friends. What gives the forest its supernatural quality? Why is it so angry? What is it hiding? None of the conflict is resolved. None of our questions are answered. And this is frustrating as a reader as it feels incomplete. You need to flesh it out, develop your plot, and resolve the conflict, so that you give your readers the full experience. And if you want to keep it a mystery and left to your reader's imagination as to what is happening, give us a few little morsels to guide us so that we can go... Oh... this makes sense... perhaps the forest is angry because XYZ.

Thank you for writing in The Ink Well.

Thank you for the corrections

Nice story. They were clearly at the wrong place.
