Spring & Strangers

in The Ink Welllast month

It was the last days of spring. The flowers which were in their fairest bloom were starting to lose their lambency. The greenery was starting to lose its chlorophyll; summer was knocking in.
Judy stood on her lawn of daffodils, staring at the colourful yellow bouquet that blanketed the field. She turned to the other side and looked at the lilies that were almost missing in their glory. She sighed.

One of her best seasons was springtime but now, it was coming to an end.

She plucked a few roses and lilies with a few anthers and petals dropping to the ground. After she was done, she walked back into the shop.

Judy had been the only one overlooking the florist ever since her parents passed away and the only thing that keeps her alive and going is planting flowers which makes spring her favourite season.

As she got back to the shop, the front door chimed open as she tried to arrange some things.

“You are welcome to the floral,” she greeted.

As she raised her head, her sight was greeted by a young man who was around her age. Probably in his late twenties as well.

She stared blankly at him but was mesmerized by his facial features. He was a young man of 5’11 feet with a buzz cut that suited him so well. He had a sharp jawline with a moustache and a goatee. He has long lashes that shield his lower lashes. His eyebrows were perfectly groomed. He has a nose piercing and an ear piercing. Everything looked moderately good on him and he knows it. His blue eyes were so deep like the sky and his smile accentuated his good looks.

“Hello,” he said, calling Judy out of his reverie.

“Hello. Please, how may I help you? We have a bunch of blossoms that suit your particular use.” Judy said with a broad smile that didn't particularly reach her eyes.

“I’m Charles,” he stretched his hand forward. Judy delayed a little before she took it.

“I’m Judy.”

“I have always seen you around but today, curiosity holds me.”

“You most definitely aren’t here to get flowers then.”

“No, I’m not.”

“So tell me, Charles. What are you so curious about?”

“I’m quite curious about a few things but the one that tops the chart would be why are you always alone?”

“Uhmm…did you come all the way here to ask me that?”

“You have no idea where I come from, Judy.”

“But I do know you aren’t from around here. Would have noticed you if you were,” he seemed oddly interested in my last statement as he leaned forward, resting his elbows on the counter.

“Do I look that good?”

“That you ask me that shows you’re so full of yourself.”

“I mean, what’d you expect from me when I look this way?”

I scrunched my eyebrow and stared at him.

“I’m not having fun with this conversation. If you don’t mind, could you excuse me?”

Only if he had a better personality that was as good as he looked. I turned away from him as I continued to water the plants.

“Listen, Judy. I’m sorry I started off in the wrong manner. I guess I lacked some communication etiquette but I promise you, I’m not all that bad,” he explained and I looked up from the flowers to his face.

“To be honest, you do not have to apologize.”

“But I want to.”

“Okay, fine. Apology accepted.” I replied him blankly..

I had no idea when I got up from the bed this morning, I was going to be going back and forth with a stranger. A gorgeous and pompous stranger at that.

I continued with what I was doing without looking over at him but I could still feel his presence and his eyes staring at me.

It continued this way for a few more seconds when I grew out of patience and abruptly dropped what I was doing.

“Okay, going man. You are starting to creep me out. I guess it’s time to leave!” my voice was stern and so was the look on my face.

He gawked at me and slowly a smile was creeping up his face. I stared at him in confusion and disbelief as I waited for him to say something. To explain his wild behaviour.

“Aren’t you Judy Davis?”

I wrinkled my forehead as I became more attentive to him now.

“How would you know my full name?”

“I guess that would be because I am your cousin. Charles Davis.”

“Hold on. You are aunty Nancy’s son?” I asked and he nodded.

Aunty Nancy and my mum were sisters while Charles and I had almost all of our childhood together but we got separated when there was a clash between my mum and aunty Nancy. Ever since then, I never heard or saw Charles again even after my parents passed away.

“Charles?” I called again to reconfirm and he nodded with a smile.

I walked briskly over to the other side of the counter and hugged him so tightly with the feeling of finally seeing one family around taking over my emotions.

After we were done getting in and out of our feelings, we sat on the sofa.

“Why are you here out of the blues though?” I asked and the look on his face suddenly got sad.

“My mum is dead.” he replied.

I wasn’t just sad that she was dead, I was sad that she died at the same age as my mum.

This is my submission to the Inleo prompt suggestion for the month of May. The topic is "Spring, flowers....". You can join here. This is the calendar
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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


You pay attention to details while showcasing a mastery of knowledge as regards your script writing. This is a beautiful script dear.

Thank you

I couldn't help but laugh while reading about her encounter with the mysterious Charles. He really knew how to make an entrance.
Who would've thought he'd turn out to be her long-lost cousin. That was a nice plot twist.

I'm sorry to hear about Charles' mom, though. Losing a parent is never easy, and it must be tough for both of them to reconnect under such circumstances. It's great that they found each other again.

I hope they both get to catch up properly and share some old memories.

Lol, Charles is good at playing games and he couldn't hold himself back even when it had to do with his cousin.

I must commend that you did a great job keeping me glued till the end

I’m quite curious about a few things but the one that tops the chart would be why are you always alone?”

I would definitely use this line on a girl this week😅. Charles is a master of the game, funny how she couldn't recognize her cousin again.

I would definitely use this line on a girl this week

Just make sure it's the girl you've noticed she's always alone oo before someone will land you slap 🤣🤣🤣

You mean Charles put up all that drama just to introduce himself, he must be a very dramatic person.

Seeing a family we haven't seen in while always put a huge smile on our faces and it's sad those two mummies have to leave their kids behind.

Lol, Charles likes acting drama 😅

Seeing a family we haven't seen in while always put a huge smile on our faces and it's sad those two mummies have leave their kids behind.

Very true

Uhm Sabrinahhhhh... This story makes wonder how thing would have turned out if Charles wasn't Judy's cousin. Will some thing romantic blossom or something more sinister .

Love it, absolutely

You this man with nine lives, I didn't know you like romance too 🙂

If they weren't related, I believe it would have blossomed into something romantic 💃💃💃

Love it, absolutely

Thanks a bunch