My Escape Route, a Poetic Tunnel (Creativenonfiction) πŸƒ 🌌

in The Ink Well β€’ 8 months ago

The Inkwell Prompt


As a young boy, navigating through life, finding meaning to life, a reason to exist, and other challenges were all like an unpleasant cocktail, which was the only 'meal' life served me at some point in my life. When I had challenges as a teenager, it wasn’t only my parents that helped me go through that stage of life. Although I had friends and family members, they weren’t enough to decipher the well-coded problems life inserted in my system. A lot of things contributed to my finding an escape route from all the excessive life trials back then. Let’s take a look at my experience.

β€œFolu! Folu!! Folu!!!” My mom came calling. That was the third time she came to my room, and I believe she was wondering what I was still doing there. My dad just came back from one of his trips that afternoon, and my attention was needed to (as usual) pack things and do whatever we needed to. β€œMa! I will soon join you.” I reluctantly answered from my bed. β€œGet out of that room and follow me now!” Whenever my mom sounds like this, you can be sure that your cane is not far from her reach. I got the message and rushed out.

β€œI’m sorry, ma; I was just trying to finish up some things.” Like a fisherman trying to save his boat from getting wrecked by the storm, I quickly replied to escape some whopping. My mom gave me a funny look, which made me feel like β€˜my boat of tricks’ would definitely capsize. β€œI have told you, don’t say things or some things when telling me about whatever you are doing; it sounds evasive.” In my mind, I couldn’t help but reply, β€œyou got me, mom, but no, I still got more, mom.”


I imagined her hearing the response in my head, then quickly came back to my senses. β€œWhat are you thinking about?” My mom asked suspiciously. I have heard jokes where African mothers can perceive your thoughts, but this reality is too much for me to bear. β€œI have been writing, ma, and I want to conclude my thoughts before leaving my room.” I don’t know whether I have just dialed the flogging hotline or if my luck is still intact. β€œWhat are you writing about?” My mom’s response gave me the confidence that my luck is still in power!

After discovering that I have been writing several poems about life and other things related to it, my mom was surprised and happy. However, she had other things to worry about, so it wasn’t really her priority at the moment. She, however, encouraged me to nurture my talent. With thanks and happiness that I escaped being lashed, I followed her to my dad to get my chores done.

As of when I started writing, I was still at home working on my exams to get admitted to the university. After getting my admission, I was, however, privileged to know a bit about some poetry platforms, and I had all the poems I had written well-arranged on my shelf. I was able to share my experience with the world. I got some comments. I even got featured on a special radio program!


As I was going through all the challenges at the time, I never knew my escape route was a gift, not just to myself but also to the world around me and beyond. The funny thing is that these poems are still very accessible, and you can click here to check them out.

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This is an amazing escape route from being down. There is solace in writing.

I'm glad you can relate. Thank you for your comment.πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

This brief view of your life as a budding writer offers readers two special treats: an insight into your young, developing creative impulse, and a vivid view of your mother's dynamic personality. Cultural references to caning and a mother's intuition enliven this piece. Your writing style is smooth and highly readable. The scenario you present is believable.

Thank you for sharing this aspect of your life with us, @samiwrites.

Thank you for your well detailed comment. I do not take it for granted. I'm glad you can flow with my story. I believe you checked my poems too.πŸ™‚ My mum is a typical African woman. You dare not lose your home training around her πŸ˜„ she's always got that cane somewhere around. It's a mystery no one ever unravelled.πŸ˜„ Thanks again, have a blessed weekend.

I can relate to this. I remember whenever I was heartbroken and in my lowest, I would pick up a pen and paper and start writing, letting the literary spirit lead me where it wants

That's the spirit.. thanks for your comment πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

Those are nice collections of poems and I enjoyed reading through part of your early life journey.

Thank you for reading through.. I'm glad you enjoyed them. Enjoy your day πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸŒΉ

You are welcome, cheers πŸ₯‚

That strength when the support comes from parent is just unimaginable.

True.. thanks for your comment..πŸ™

I have been a fan of poetry for as long as I can remember. It's a privilege to be able to read your story of how it came to be. You write so well, and your description of events is so detailed I almost feel as if I was there. Kudos for a story well written.

Β 8 months agoΒ (edited)Β 

Wow.. thank you so much for your comment. I'm glad to hear you belong to the poetic family 🌹🌹🌹🌹Again, I appreciate your comment.πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ special thanks to @theinkwell for the push, guidance and corrections.

Good to meet you friend, and hear your tale. Tell me more as we explore through the open door.

Nice meeting you too. There is so much to read, to explore.. kindly check the poems in this post you just commented on or check out my former posts on hive. I still have a lot coming, some today, some more tomorrow and lots more afterwards. Thank you for your comment. Enjoy your day.πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

Awesome Sami.

That so amazing, I'm actually a fan of poetry and I have some written to. I will explore more of your post.

πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—Nice reading your comment mate. 🌹🌹🌹 Feel free to check out my works. Glad to have you around. Thanks for your contribution.

I enjoyed reading about your love for poetry and your relationship with your mother.
I read three of your poems and they are all beautiful in what you express.
Greetings @samiwrites

Thank you so much for reading my piece and my poems. I'm glad you enjoyed them. Wishing you a blessed week. πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

That's awesome, a hidden escape route sounds cool.

Thank you for your comment

You are welcome

Hi @samiwrites, you know, I didn't write poetry before and I didn't find much meaning in it.
After a while I started reading it and started writing for myself, and it actually changed my world and gave me the opportunity to express some ideas, that if I didn't put them in poetry, I wouldn't make them express the ones I want.
My greetings.

Nice one. Your journey seems similar to mine. To get the best of poetry or writing one will have to 'keep writing.' I'm glad you could bring out something meaningful out of your writeups. Well done. A big thanks for your comment. Have a great weekend πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ™

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