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RE: Battered Bones, the plight of a celestial desk worker

in The Ink Well2 years ago (edited)

Be careful, @Grindan; @Jayna is really a Princess and makes people do her bidding by setting up tents for her outdoors full of cushions, blankets, and cats so she can cuddle in at night under the stars as Only a Princess could.

She does this while the ordinary folks, like @enginewitty and I, sleep on a marshmallow bed, wake up in the middle of the night, and have to sneak outside to not wake the Princess @Jayna, who we thought was on the couch like the rest of us commoners.....

The cold concrete steps had frozen our bums while talking on Discord late into the night. Once done Discording, we quietly and silently went back to the marshmallow room to finally get more sleep....Never knowing Princess Jayna slept through the whole thing under pillows and blankets fit for a Queen.

P. S. TRUE Story!! :D



Love it!!

I do know a few things about pillow forts, but this sounds MAGICAL! I'm imagining you summoning the cats @snook and @enginewitty. I refuse to have that idea dispersed 😂

BUT what in the world is a marshmallow bed?! I'm picturing an air mattress with a slow leak or a pile of foam blocks that you'd find in a gymnasium... hmm

Ha ha ha, yes that is absolutely a true story, @snook, although I can't in all seriousness claim the Princess title. I think the fact that you had us all laughing until we cried on that trip gives you the title!

You know when you write that story out it makes you go????? WHAT? No way that is real!

But when you live it you think, well, yes, of course its true :D


and I think there can be more than one Princess :D