Dirty Little Secret @sonofremi

in The Ink Well3 years ago (edited)

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Interesting story that leaves us with the message that we all pay for what we do at any given moment.

Hello @sonofremi,
We read as far as the people burning in the car. Before that, we had an issue with the murder of Gabrielle. Burning people is definitely violent. Murder is violent, also:

The body landed on the foot of the mountain, near the shore of the beach and was lifeless

Even accidental murder. Please review our rules. We have asked writers not to feature violence, especially graphic violence in their stories. This story does cross the boundaries we have established.

Thank you for writing with us. We look forward to reading stories from you in the future in which the community standards about violence are observed. We appreciate your cooperation.

We appreciate that very much. We appreciate your flexibility and willingness to accommodate Ink Well parameters which do not welcome violence. Your story is still littered with dead bodies. It's not what we look for in the Ink Well. There might be other, unforgivable offenses that one person commits against another, besides accidental violence/death. There might be another way of seeking retribution (justice) without bring about another death.

We recognize that these circumstances and resolutions (death,murder, violence) are pervasive in media. Try to remember that we are a team of 3 curators. We have a certain sensibility with which we are equipped when we read stories. We have the expectation from our authors that our sensibility (not enjoying violence) will be respected.

So, please, try to avoid murder (accidental of otherwise) deliberate or accidental acts of violence that result in death/maiming/pain/suffering. You have a great imagination. We know you can come up with stories that do not feature such violent scenarios.

Thank you.

Thank you! We have no intention of limiting creativity. We just have strict standards around violence and brutality, as they are very offensive to some people, and we cannot screen children from reading what is published here. We want The Ink Well to be a safe and welcoming community for all.

Intriguing story. Nice one enjoyed every plot