Finding Micheal (a Christmas Story) @sonofremi

in The Ink Well2 years ago (edited)

Micheal wrote what he wanted for Christmas in his room, the noise of his parents arguing was making it hard for him to enjoy the hoilday, he remembered when they were one big happy family but that seems like decades ago. He carried his wish in a small paper he wrote down and went downstairs to slid it under the Christmas tree. He met his mother on the dinning table smoking a cigar and drinking a glass of whisky, it was obvious that his father had just left and she was left alone to sobe.

Mary looked up her half full glass and saw Micheal smiling and walking towards the Christmas tree as he came down from the stairs. "What you got there, Micheal?", Mary asked. With a wide smile on his face micheal said,"My wish for Santa Claus", Micheal said. Mary his mother burst into an controlable laughter and later said, "Your such a kid, he doesn't even exist". This hurt Micheal alot, he turn his back as he rushed upstairs with tears in his eyes.

In his room Micheal packed a go bag, he said to himself,"he they don't believe me I will show them his real". He took the open map from the table and gave one last look at his room like it was the last time he was ever going to see it. The journey was a long one for a boy of 7 years to go alone, but this holiday was the time he knew he had with both his parents before their separation so he grunted and opened the window in his room and stepped out into the cold night.

Mr Thomas came back home the next day and walked up the stairs straight to Michael's room ignoring his wife Mary in the kitchen. He first knocked on the door but no answer came, then he opened it to find an empty room with an open window. He felt his heart skip a beat as he walked to check the bathroom for Michael, but no one was in the bathroom. With the speed of light he ran down the flight of stairs and walked into the kitchen, "Where is Michael?, it was obvious his wife was still mad with him and was giving him the silent treatment. She continued making pancakes like no one talked to her. Thomas went across the room and forced her to face him,"He then asked again, Mary where is Michael, I can't find him anywhere". Mary became serious from the sound of his voice and let their beef die for a moment,"He's not in his room?" Thomas nodded his head in disapproval, she started to panic as she started to echo her son's name around the house. As her husband picked up the receiver and dialed 911.

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Beautiful story.. .merry Xmas in advance..

What a beautiful ending. Micheal believed he would find Santa. Not only did he find him, it brought to joy back to their family. Interesting. Well done.

That is a lovely tale, @sonofremi. Perhaps Michael will get his wish because he believed so strongly that he brought his parents into his belief circle. (You might want to edit the second paragraph, where you call the mother Amy instead of Mary. It's a little confusing)

Thank you for sharing. We appreciate that you engage with other authors.

This is a sweet Christmas story, @sonofremi, with all the elements that make our hearts sing. This is such a great time of year for happy stories of reunions, and families mending themselves.

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