in The Ink Well5 months ago

I was young. In high school at the time. Apart from my friends at school and church, my mother did not let us hang out with the neighbourhood kids much. We were cordial with the neighbours but we maintained our distance. Well, except with this couple, a man and wife who had been married a few years. I was particularly close to the woman and she liked me too. She said I was well-,trained and helpful.


One fateful evening, I got back from school and upon going into this couple's house to say hello to the wife, I met a shocker; there, the man was with a strange woman on his lap while he fondled her breasts. I noticed his face flushed with embarrassment.
I bent my head low, said 'good evening," and "sorry" in one breath and rushed out quickly. I did not know why I said sorry, I just said it.

I had only gone close enough to reach for the doorknob of my parents apartment when I heard my name. I knew by the voice who it was. I stopped and turned to face the man.
"Soka, my boy, how are you?"
"I'm okay, sir. Thank you," I replied looking ahead, not at him.
"See, what you saw in there, it's nothing. The lady...she's just my younger sister that came to see me," he said in a voice lacking certainty.
"Ok" was all I said, "....Is that how you touch your younger sister's breast?"
"Sshhhh" he said quietly as he clamped his left hand over my mouth, while looking from side-to-side, to see if anyone was within earshot.

"You know what, take!," he put his hand into the pocket of his combat shorts, pulled out sone money, taking my left hand in his, he pressed the money into my palm, "don't tell my wife, your aunty, anything about what you saw and I'll be giving you money anytime you want, okay?"
I only managed a small nod.
"Good boy," he said wearing a tight smile as he patted my head. Then he turned and walked away.

That day passed as did the next day and everytime the man saw me inches near his wife, I saw him fidget. I did not care about him but I felt unease whenever I saw his wife.

At school, my bestfriend, noticing how disstracted i was beconing, called my attention. Too, i needed to let off some steam, lest i exploded. So after making him promise to not spill, i told him what had transpired.

"Oohoo! Skeletons!" he gasped

"What skeletons?" I asked puzzled.
"The man, I mean. He's got skeletons in his closet," possibly realizing that I barely understood him, he added, "I mean, he's got big problems on his hands. He must be so terrified of you."

"I don't know about that. I just notice he's not himself whenever I am close to his wife."
That's what I'm talking about,"" my bestfriend, Sam said laughing. "You can make good money from him, you know that right?"

"No. How do you know that?" I was curious.

"You don't want to know, my boy," he said with an air of superiority as he ruffled my hair, which he knows irritates me, stood up quickly and ran off, laughing hysterically while I chased after him.

Some days later, i needed some money but couldn't go to my mum cause I knew she wouldn't oblige me and remembering that the man said I could always come to him whenever I needed anything, I did just that. He had become my personnal credit card, by this time.
When I requested the money from him, he said he no longer would meet my needs as I was become greedy and inconsiderate. I felt used.

That evening, I sat in their living room with his wife eating the chin-chin she had just made, which I assisted her with. She was a baker. Immediately he got in from outside and saw me, he ordered me to leave.

His wife laughed at first and realizing from his face that he was serious, asked why.
He claimed that I was disrespectful and he just did not want to have anything to do with any of the neighbors. Then he told her to stop associating with me.
I just stood there looking directly at him, my eyes burning from anger and embarrassmen.

When he said 'leave,' again. I don't know where the courage came from and I said no. They both looked at me in disbelief.

"Why is my husband asking you to leave, Soka? What did you do?" She asked me.

"Nothing, babe. I just don't want him here," the man said before I could give a reply.

"It's because..." I starred to say.

"It's because nothing. Shut up and get out." He thundered.

"I'll go, but before I go, I'll tell aunty the truth. I'll tell her what you did that day."

"What truth?" She asked looking at her husband.

"Don't listen to him," he howled.

"Babe, what truth is he talking about? " she asked in lowered voice

"Uhm," he stuttered.

"Out with it already," she was panicking.

"That day that you went to stay with your sister that gave birth in the hospital, I came in here to greet you but did not know that you were away and I saw one fair girl sitting on his lap and he was touching her breast and kissing her," the last part was a lie, I did not see them kissing. However, they must have.

His wife stared in disbelief and then she dropped to her knees.
I hurried out of their room before the man qould charge at me.

For days, i didnt ho to their home. I dont know how, but i think the man confided in my parents about the issue in his home cause he needed them to help talk to his wife or sonething.
Well, i got punished because, i shouldn't be meddling in adult business. Very typical of African parents. I can't tell how the issue was resolved cause i was never allowed around the premises when the discussions were held but i know for certain that it took a toll on the marriage. It shook the couple badly. I got to hang out with the lady after a long time but it wasn't tye same anymore. Just 'his' and 'hellos.'

Thanks for stopping by.


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This was a beautiful read .

Some uncomfortable situations never stop to happen, do they? Good read.