Las aventuras de Olaf [ENG-ESP]

in The Ink Well3 years ago (edited)



Era una noche oscura, el frío se sentía en las calle de Sacara, el silencio como de costumbre envolvía los bloques de concreto que bajo la lluvia se erguían imponentes, en el suelo de la sala del apartamento 420 del piso 41 resplandecía una luz violeta por debajo de la puerta principal, iluminando todo el pasillo y la entrada de los departamentos aledaños. Se escuchaba una respiración densa desde adentro de la estancia, pero nadie gritaba, solo de cerca se percibían voces en susurros:

-Pásame la sutura… Rápido. – Bramó Tank con la frente sudorosa.

-No.. no la encuentro – Hera luchaba con los nervios para actuar con precisión.

La temperatura en el cuarto subía como un horno industrial segundo a segundo, empezaron a sudar abundantemente mientras trabajaban sobre la criatura.

-Ha perdido mucha luz necesito estabilizarla.
-Pero solo tenemos bisturí y compresas calientes. – decía Hera con los ojos inundados en lágrimas.

It was a dark night, the cold was felt in the streets of Sacara, the silence as usual enveloped the concrete blocks that under the rain stood imposing, on the floor of the living room, apartment 420, on the 41st floor a violet light shone from under the front door, illuminating the whole of the entire hallway and the entrance of the surrounding apartments. Dense breathing could be heard from inside the room, but no one shouted, only voices in whispers could be heard close by:

-Pass me the suture... Quickly! - Tank bellowed with a sweaty forehead.

-No... I can't find it, - Hera struggled with his nerves to act with precision.

The temperature in the room was rising like an industrial oven second by second, they began to sweat profusely as they worked on the creature.

-She's lost a lot of light, I need to stabilize her.
-But we only have a scalpel and warm compresses. - Hera said with her eyes flooded with tears.

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Tank se dirigió a su equipaje, sacó una maraca y se acercó al can, se encontraba en posición fetal casi completamente quieto en el piso.

Así, arrodillado a su lado, empezó a cantar en una lengua casi ininteligible, la perra daba respingos eventualmente producto del canto, desprendía luz, cada segundo la temperatura subía más en la habitación, Hera dudó si podría soportarlo y se quitó la camisa a toda velocidad.

Como poseído por el canto proseguía el ritual en plena noche, transcurrieron las horas hasta la madrugada, el calor era insoportable, Hera se desmayó a las 2, más el canto continuó hasta las 4:30 cuando finalmente la perra, tratando de alcanzar a su cría, dio su último aliento. En un lechó junto a su cadáver, se encontraba un solo cachorro que había sido demasiado grande para el vientre de su madre.

Tank went to his luggage, took out a maraca and approached the dog, she was in a fetal position almost completely quiet on the floor.

So, kneeling next to her, he began to sing in an almost unintelligible language, the dog was eventually panting from the singing, light emanating from her, every second the temperature rose more in the room, Shea doubted if he could stand it and took off his shirt at full speed.

As if possessed by the singing he continued the ritual in the middle of the night, the hours went by until dawn, the heat was unbearable, Hera fainted at 2 o'clock, but the singing continued until 4:30 when finally the dog, trying to reach her calf, gave her last breath. In a litter next to her corpse, lay a single cub that had been too big for its mother's womb.



- ¡Esto no es posible! La perra era única, sabes que no venía de éste plano Hera, que demonios hiciste.

-Nada Tank, lo juro.

-¡Mentirosa! Hay pruebas de que se han reproducido antes y no sucede esto, que hiciste, dime la verdad ahora.

-Tank, te lo juro por mi vida, sería incapaz de hacerle algo, la amaba con mi vida – dijo Hera vuelta un mar de lágrimas.

-¡Entonces como murió en el parto! Explícamelo.

-No... ¡No lo sé!

-Mira no te estoy preguntando porque dudo que lo hayas hecho, veo diariamente tu negligencia, solo te dejé con ella 4 días mientras visitaba al maestro, voy a revisar las cámaras de seguridad y si veo que cometiste el más mínimo error de procedimiento tendremos problemas. Hasta ese momento te tendrás que quedar aquí. – imprimía rabia en cada una de sus palabras hasta la fibra más profunda.

- This is not possible! The dog was unique, you know she didn't come from this plane Shea, what the hell did you do. -Nothing Tank, I swear.

-Liar! There's proof that they've reproduced before and this isn't happening, what did you do, tell me the truth now.

-Tank, I swear on my life, I would be incapable of doing anything to her, I loved her with my life -Hera said back a sea of tears.

-Then how did she die in childbirth! Explain it to me.

-I don't... I don't know!

-Look I'm not asking you because I doubt you did it, I see daily your negligence, I only left you with her for 4 days while I visited the master, I'm going to check the security cameras and if I see you made the slightest procedural mistake we will have problems. Until then you will have to stay here. - He printed anger in each of his words to the deepest fiber.

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En una milésima de segundo desenvainó su sable y de él salieron cuerdas brillantes como el bronce que se enroscaron alrededor de las muñecas y tobillos de Hera obligándola a caer al piso, y con paso firme se dirigió a la computadora para revisar las cámaras.

El departamento era un monoespacio, en el mismo cuarto de 20 metros cuadrados estaba la cocina, una pequeña puerta dónde se encontraba una poceta, un sofá raído con una laptop golpeada en uno de los asientos y un refrigerador de escritorio tipo ejecutivo.

En las cuatro esquinas del apartamento había cámaras que documentaban todo lo que pasaba en su interior.

Tank tomo la computadora y reprodujo a 10 veces la velocidad el video de los últimos 4 días, en diez minutos pudo entender que había sucedido.

El departamento se conocía como La Guarida, un lugar acogedor y pequeño para los nómadas, que esta vez tenían la misión más importante, cuidar a la madre más poderosa de todos los twilings.

En el video se veía como las cargas de protones que se debían refrigerar en la nevera ejecutiva quedaron expuestos por 24 horas a la temperatura de la habitación, incrementando los niveles de radiación del lugar.

In a millisecond he unsheathed his blade and from it came shiny ropes like bronze that wrapped around Hera wrists and ankles forcing her to fall to the floor, and with a firm step he went to the computer to check the cameras.

The apartment was a monospace, in the same 20 square meter room was the kitchen, a small doorway where a pot was located, a ratty sofa with a beat up laptop on one of the seats and an executive style desk refrigerator.

In the four corners of the apartment there were cameras documenting everything that went on inside.

Tank took the computer and played at 10 times the speed the video of the last 4 days, in ten minutes he could understand what had happened.

The apartment was known as La Guarida, a cozy and small place for the nomadics, who this time had the most important mission, to take care of the most powerful mother of all the twilings.

The video showed how the proton charges that were to be cooled in the executive refrigerator were exposed for 24 hours to the temperature of the room, increasing the radiation levels of the place.



-Hera… ¿No te he dicho por lo menos un millón de veces que los protones deben refrigerarse inmediatamente cuando llegan?

Durante la espera Hera enloquecía del llanto en el piso, incontenible.

-N… N… No lo recordaba Tank, perdóname te lo imploro.

-Aquí no pedimos disculpas, demostramos con hechos lo que pensamos y queremos. Adiós Hera. – dijo con lágrimas corriendo por su rostro.

Sacó su sable y toco su pecho a nivel del corazón, luego tomo al cachorro y tocando su cabeza colocó el sable en su frente y sopló por una de las puntas. Como un cántico que el cachorro nunca olvidaría, grabó en su ADN el siguiente rezo “Tu nombre es Tork, tu madre murió por la negligencia de uno de los protectores de tu linaje, más eso no debe llenarte de odio, solo el infinito amor te permitirá desarrollar todo tu potencial, último hijo de la más poderosa de las twiling, recorre las tierras buscando a tu alma gemela, los los twilings no tienen una forma definida, así que tendrás que vibrar a todos los seres que encuentres en este plano y otros para poder encontrarla. Aquí siempre estaré protegiéndote aunque no me puedas ver. Tank”. Luego levantó al cachorro y convirtiéndola en una medalla de cuarzo y colgandola en su cuello, creó una bendición en forma de escudo de las más poderosas que jamás podrían existir.

-Hera... Haven't I told you at least a million times that protons should be cooled immediately when they arrive? During the wait Shea was crying uncontrollably on the floor.

-N... N... I didn't remember Tank, forgive me, I implore you.

-We don't apologize here, we show with deeds what we think and what we want. Goodbye Hera. - she said with tears running down her face.

He pulled out his blade and touched her chest at heart level, then he took the puppy and touching her head he placed the blade on her forehead and blew through one of the tips. As a chant that the puppy would never forget, he engraved in his DNA the following prayer "Your name is Tork, your mother died because of the negligence of one of the protectors of your lineage, but that should not fill you with hate, only the infinite love will allow you to develop your full potential, last son of the most powerful of the twilings, travel the lands looking for your soul mate, the twilings do not have a defined form, so you will have to vibrate all the beings you find in this plane and others to find it. Here I will always be protecting you even if you can not see me. Tank." He then lifted the puppy and turning her into a quartz medal and hanging her around his neck, he created one of the most powerful shield-shaped blessings that could ever exist.

Así inician las aventuras del más poderoso guerrero de todos los tiempos, seguiremos actualizando las crónicas de ésta bitácora cada 2 semanas... / Thus begin the adventures of the mightiest warrior of all times, we will continue to update the chronicles of this log every 2 weeks ...


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Hi @sv94. This story is intriguing, and has a very interesting premise. I'm keen to see more of your writing. As you saw from the comment by my colleague writing as The Ink Well, we do have some rules and guidelines. They are intended to help everyone in our community. Thanks for understanding, and I look forward to seeing your short stories.

Hello @sv94,
Thank you for thinking of the Ink Well when you write creatively. Please read our community rules, so that you can avoid misunderstandings when you post future stories. One of the community rules is that we do not publish stories in which women or children are harmed. Another rule is that we don't publish serials, or continuations. If a story can stand on its own, without reference to past or future stories, that's fine--a little like a Sherlock Holmes episode.

You seem to enjoy writing. That always comes across to the reader. And you seem to have a vivid imagination. Essential in writing. We hope to see you use these qualities in the future when you write stories that are consistent with the Ink Well culture.

Thank you!

Sorry! I will fix it for my next posts! Thanks for the friendly reminder!