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RE: Blossoming against the odds (Inkwell Prompt #59)

in The Ink Well2 years ago

hehe whenever I hear Sherman I think of the tank.

That is so cool you brought one home, I was surprised that you would be allowed to bring into the UK. I think going the other way round they might have confiscated it, the Americans are really tight on bringing in plants and stuff.
I hope you have many many years of joy with Sherman😁


I did some research and the Giant Sequoia can be found in various locations across the UK and Europe too 💗 but in much much smaller numbers... and they are well regarded and looked after over here... although they are in singles or small groups of less than half a dozen. Some are in private gardens, others in little copses and others still in some of the national parks and gardens. You do need a clearance certificate to bring in most items of foliage from abroad but I wasn't questioned on my little acquisition despite my bags being scanned. !ALIVE

Yes I have seen one or two of them over here, I am intrigued to see how your one fairs over here:)