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RE: Survival

in The Ink Well2 years ago

Welcome to the Inkwell, @aloysiusmbaba,

Your story is well told. You describe the despair of the shipwreck survivors well. The happenstance of a bonfire on the beach is the kind of ironic circumstance that makes a story unique. What could have been a terrible tragedy for our protagonist turned into his path to rescue.

Your writing is very good, very casual and yet effective. You have the makings of storyteller ;)

We suggest that you acquaint yourself with the community rules and especially with our manifesto on violence (although it does not seem from this story that graphic violence would be an issue for you). We do ask that all writers support others in the community with at least two comments in every story cycle.

We publish weekly prompts in both fiction and nonfiction categories. This story would fit into the fiction prompt this week (Hunger). If you would like to link to the story under the prompt post you might attract more readers from the community.

We hope to read more from you. Our nonfiction prompt post for this week went up yesterday, and a new prompt post for fiction goes up tomorrow. Good luck with your writing.


Thanks a lot for the commendation and for engaging. I will definitely pay more close attention to the community rules. I am looking forward to having a great time here. Once again, thanks for the warm welcome, compliments and recommendations.