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RE: Speed the Synth up!

in The Ink Well5 months ago

You take us on a thrilling adventure in the future as your MC gets caught up in the lights and sound of a crazy adventure. Your story was a delightful read in itself although there should have been more foreshadowing and backstory around why your MC encountered his dad on the track. It would also have been useful to have had some foreshadowing regarding the existence of diamonds as the ending seemed to have been plucked out of nowhere and left me scratching my head a little. I actually went back and read the story again because I wondered what I might have missed. You did draw me in though and I was definitely hooked on the adrenaline ride.

Although curation isn't guaranteed in The Ink Well, we'd like to say thank you for reaching out and alerting us to the possibility that your post was overlooked for curation. We enjoyed reading you and look forward to your future submissions.


Hello. Thanks for your feedback. I appreciate you highlight my weak points so I can do better next time :).

Unfortunately, we do not always get to all the posts in time as we are a small group of curators at The Ink Well. So occasionally a post or two misses the time frame for full curation. Your post was not passed over on purpose and the lack of support on your post is in no way a reflection of the quality of your story 🤗 Please do keep writing and sharing with us.