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RE: Man gets what he strives for

in The Ink Well3 months ago

Hello @noor500,

Thank you for attributing the image, and welcome to the Inkwell.

What you present here is an interesting idea for a story, a book, or a film. It might be called a treatment, or even an outline. If this were an actual story, it might have dialog. It would certainly have more detail about Alex and the people he met on his journey to success. It would have a description of scenes.

Your piece is an overview of a story, an overview that needs to be filled in. Also, please note that we have a suggested minimum and maximum word length: between 700 and 1000 words. This story has less than 300.

Here are some important notes as you get to know our community:

  • Please be sure to read The Ink Well community rules at the top of The Ink Well community home page.
  • We are all about quality short stories and engagement.
  • We ask everyone who posts in The Ink Well to read and comment on at least two other writers' work in the community for every story published.
  • We keep a watchful eye out for spam and plagiarism, which are not tolerated.
  • You can find an overview of our community and what we're about in our manifesto.
  • We provide weekly writing prompts to inspire our community of writers.
  • You can find many fiction writing resources in our catalog of fiction writing tips.

Thank you for sharing this story with us. We hope to hear from you again.