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RE: The Dilemma of Nkem's Dream

in The Ink Well2 months ago

This is a good story. Adding a detail, such as

I picked up the big spoon that fell from her hand to the ground, and I joined them in the room.

brings the story to life for the reader. You state the problem (conflict) early on, and clearly. Nkem has transgressed and fears punishment. Either this fear, or a vengeful god, is giving him nightmares.

Poor cow!! and the land is sold. But between that and the dream catcher, problem seems to be solved.

While the resolution is good, the last two lines are a bit too sweeping. They would need a little more detail and explanation in order to be effective (i.e. credible).

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Thank you!


All correction and guidance have been taken note ofp. I really appreciate your time here🙌