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RE: Whispers Across the Water

in The Ink Well2 months ago (edited)

This is a well-constructed story, but it does appear to be a story. However, you have posted this as a nonfiction piece. Did this actually happen to you? Is there a king for whom you fought? Were you on a ship that sank, and then were you rescued by the king? This stretches credulity, unless you are writing a story.

You have the skills to turn in a good, descriptive, moving piece. It's obvious you have command of language. In this piece that command is in evidence as you create vivid scenes. Also, the arc of the piece is strong.

Thank you for sharing this with us, @normalyf. In the future, please pay attention to the tags so that we may sort out the fiction from nonfiction pieces.

In checking your history, we note that you have not commented on two other Inkwell authors. This is a requirement of authors who post in the community. We will check back to see if you have offered feedback to other writers. Thank you.


All your guidance and corrections have been noted. I would sure do better moving forward.

we note that you have not commented on two other Inkwell authors

Just supported @universoperdido and @loveth97.
Thank you.