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RE: Creative Nonfiction: An unexpected tenant. EN/ESP.

in The Ink Well2 months ago

In instances of haunting, or reported haunting, one is of course dependent on the observations and experiences of individuals. These are difficult to prove to objective observers. However, the experience is real for those who report it. You offer us a puzzle: Why would Mr. Marcos haunt this one lady?

Thank you for sharing this with us, @osomar357.


Hi @theinkwell, kind regards.
I'll tell you the same thing that I told my colleagues in the comments above, I just related the experience that some neighbors lived on the fourth floor. And really, as I say in the text, I didn't see the armchairs moving, or anything like that, but I did see the armchair pointed out by the sunken lady and a smell of shaving lotion was felt.
But scientifically, that is not a verifiable fact, because we did not weigh the empty chair, and we did not weigh it when it was apparently full, we also did not see the neighbors we arrived, what was the normal position of the chair cushions in normal situations.
What I mean by this is that perhaps, the neighbors who come down, let themselves be influenced by the fear and attitude of the lady and went through a kind of collective hypnosis, where we saw and felt some things due to the influence of the environment and people's fear.
However, I can't deny that I was very scared that night when I saw the sunken armchair, when I heard the little dog barking and when I felt the smell of lotion, that day, at that moment, everyone present felt chills and fear. Those were the feelings that were in the environment at that moment and although one said that this was neither logical nor possible, those feelings and those sensations of doubts and fear of the unknown were there.
As for the lady, I have no idea, maybe the lady believed in witchcraft, or was a practicing Catholic, or was a medium, the truth I have no idea, since I was not a friend of that family, we were only acquaintances.
Finally thank you very much for the comment and the support.

Hola @theinkwell, cordiales saludos.
Te comento lo mismo que le comente a los compañeros en los comentarios de arriba, solo relaté la experiencia que vivieron unos vecinos, en el piso cuatro. Y de verdad, como digo en el texto, yo no vi las butacas moverse, ni nada por el estilo, pero si vi la butaca que señalaba la señora hundida y se sintió un olor a loción de afeitar.
Pero científicamente, eso no es un hecho comprobable, debido a que no pesamos la silla vacía, y no la pesamos cuando aparentemente estaba llena, tampoco vimos los vecinos que llegamos, cual era la posición normal de los cojines de la silla en situaciones normales.
A lo que me refiero con esto, es que tal vez, los vecinos que bajamos, nos dejamos influenciar por el miedo y la actitud de la señora y pasamos por una suerte de hipnosis colectiva, donde vimos y sentimos algunas cosas por la influencia del ambiente y del miedo de las personas.
Sin embargo, yo no puedo negar que me asuste mucho esa noche al ver la butaca hundida, al escuchar al perrito ladrando y al sentir el olor a loción, ese día, en ese momento, todos los presentes sentimos escalofríos y miedo. Esos eran los sentimientos que había en ese momento en el ambiente y aunque uno decía que eso no era ni lógico, ni posible, esos sentimientos y esas sensaciones de dudas y de temor a lo desconocido estaban allí.
En cuanto a la señora, no tengo ni idea, tal vez la señora creía en brujería, o era católica practicante, o era médium, la verdad que no tengo ni idea, ya que no era amigo de esa familia, solo eramos conocidos.
Finalmente muchas gracias por el comentario y el apoyo.