The night drew near quickly, and everyone in the neighbourhood was getting ready for bed, except the Vigutons. Conour was out playing with his friend when his mum called him in, " Conour! Come in! Dinner time!!" Conour said "Coming mum !! "Conour immediately dismissed his friends and went in for dinner, at the table, his dad asked him about school but Conour changed the topic, saying that he was very hungry and tired and would like to eat and catch some sleep.

After dinner, his parent tucks him in and tell him to try and sleep peacefully and stop talking, Conour, on the other hand, doesn't understand what his parents are saying, but all the same, he goes to sleep, and he keeps on mumbling, "Don't die!, Don't die!!, don't die !!!" His dad heard what he said, but he didn’t take it seriously and went back to sleep. This phrase kept coming every night, and he would even shout it at times but all without his knowledge and that of his brother "Trever." One day, as Conour went to sleep, it was not too long after he started repenting those phrases and Suddenly his father heard his voice this time as he was about to go back to sleep he suddenly felt a pain in his chest, he tried to brush it off but it only got worse soon his lungs choked and he couldn't breathe.

After what seemed like thirty minutes of pain and overshadowing grief, he was on the floor about to give it up when he realised that with every word from Conour, his situation got worse but before he could do or say anything the ghost of him forcefully came out with Conour last words, " die", and so mr Vighton died in his room without anybody knowing. By dawn, everyone was awoken by their mum's horrific scream after checking her husband in his room.

The next morning, Conour and his brother Trever couldn't go to school. Rather, they had to give their father last-minute respect in line with Islamic rites.

Tears filled up Conour's eyes as it was his turn to give his dad last respect. The tears weren't as a result of his father's mysterious death, but because he had foreseen his death before now.

After getting everyone's attention, he began explaining how he was always confronted by a set of girls in his school he suspected to be practising Voodoo, but he couldn't fight them as he had no power to defeat them.

Then, one day, when he was sleeping he decided he would purposely start saying things to give his parent hints about his ordeals, but for some reason, nobody cared as they thought it was just a nightmare. He didn't give up and kept describing his ordeals in clear and understandable words as he believed he did what he could only do best "Sleep talk".

After the funeral, his mom had to follow him to school and get the students in question interrogated with the help of Conour's class teacher. The students debunked the acquisition as there is no evidence to confirm they killed mr Vighton.

On getting home, his mother felt bad for not taking note of his child's premonition. She wanted to collapse but Conour hugged her surprising everyone, he told everyone that he knew her fault anyone could have missed Cryptic messages and wouldn't have noticed, but overall joy, happiness, and Sorrow. Velvet mugged her son as they all cried. They all realised that not everyone Sleeps and talks as some contain sensitive information.


In my country, people who speak are messengers from past lives or future lives. They should always be listened to. Greetings

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The image I used was from the source you mentioned. I don't think you check it. About the comment you mentioned, I have read a few posts, and I wish to comment on it

@toluwanispecial, you used istockphoto, which is not allowed. And you provided a link to a search, NOT to an image.

Do not use istockphoto. Do not use a search string as your "source".

Use Pixabay, Pexels, or Unsplash and provide a source link directly to the image.

Does that make it clear?

Alright. It does.