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RE: Paradoxical

in The Ink Well29 days ago

I dwelled into your interesting story at around 3am :)
I love lucid dreaming & making dreamcatchers :)

using advanced tech and doing it commercially might really be a problem in the future! people better do it naturally! :}

I also learned some new things from your tale... ;)


Thank you @trayan. Lucid dreaming is very interesting. I used to do it a lot in high school and became really good at it. I don't do it anymore because I started waking up when I just wanted to rest. 😆 Technology will likely help people reach a lucid state in the future, but whether this is a good or bad thing, is still up in the air.

It's awesome that you know how to make dreamcatchers. They look very intricate and wonderful.

You're right! It helps a lot when one is not on a schedule. I don't have a regular job so the secondary sleep or an afternoon nap help a lot to achieve lucidity. Peaceful mind is most important I believe...
As for the tech tools.. they are some gadgets on the market for quite a long time, that help waking up inside the dream :)

Dreamcatchers are actually very easy and simple to make... I watched some youtube videos in the past to learn how to make them :)

Dreamcatchers are actually very easy and simple to make... I watched some youtube videos in the past to learn how to make them :)

Nice! We didn't have Youtube when I was in high school, otherwise I would've been eager to learn. Cool stuff.

To be honest I've gone completely crazy (in a good way) and off~grid around 2012 :)
Back then there were a few videos...about that...

I was born in 1979.

Living off grid does force you to become resourceful and learn how to do things by hand. I'm completely in the grid, so if a lightbulb goes out, then it's the apocalypse for me 😄

No problem! There're always nice tribes to help you out when this happens ;)

Just a reminder... that's where I started...