Bad Habits and Gnomes

"Connor, what did you buy this time?"

Connor looked at her, over the large cardboard box in his arms. "It's a surprise, Lauren. Please don't spoil it."

He kept walking, all the way out to the backyard.

Lauren sighed, and leaned back. "Even if it was something we needed, we can't afford to keep buying things. If Connor doesn't find work soon, we're going to lose the house."

Connor's voice rang through the house. "It's ready, you can come out now!"

She rose, and shook her head. "I'm coming..."

Connor was crouched next to her favorite rose bush, grinning. His hand rested on a garden gnome's red hat.

Lauren giggled. "He's definitely cute! But we can't afford things like this, until you find work. I'm sorry to ruin your surprise, but please take him back."

The grin slowly left Connor's face. "Don't worry, Honey. I'll handle things. And the gnome is the last thing, I promise."

She looked around her thriving backyard garden. "Alright, but from now on we stick with the budget."

He grinned again. "Do you really like him?"

Lauren laughed. "I do! Mom has one just like him, in front of her favorite rose bush!"

Connor nodded. "I remember her talking about him the first time we visited."

Several days later, Connor rushed into the living room. "Lauren, great news! I just got an email from Huddleston saying that I have an interview tomorrow. If I get the job, we're set."

She smiled, and stood to hug him. "Congratulations, Dear. I knew you'd find something in time."

He drew her in for a kiss. "Thanks, Honey. This is more than finding something. It's perfect - my dream job!"

The next day, Connor arrived at Huddleston Incorporated early. He approached the secretary. "Hello, I'm Connor Barre. I'm here to see Mr. Wells."

The young man checked his computer. "Ah yes, you have an appointment in fifteen minutes. I'll see if he's busy."

A couple of minutes later, Connor found himself sitting in a clean, modern office.

After the interview, he rose. "Thanks so much for your time, Mr. Wells. When can I expect your decision?"

Mr. Wells stood. "Probably sometime tomorrow, if all goes well. You were the last one to be interviewed, and frankly the most impressive."

Connor said his goodbyes, and exited the building. He got in his car, and backed up. "POP!"

He groaned, and stopped the car. "Crazy kids, throwing glass bottles down... when will they learn?"

While he was on the phone, Mr. Wells walked out of the building. The businessman took in the scene, and approached Connor. "Want a ride somewhere? These things take forever."

"Yes, Sir. Thank you. Would you like to have lunch at my house?"

Mr. Wells rubbed his chin. "I guess that would work. Then I can take you back to the office afterwards, and you can get your car."

When the two arrived at Connor's, Lauren greeted them with soup and sandwiches.

After lunch, Connor rose and stretched. "You should go out back and see my wife's flower garden before you go. She's an amazing gardener."

He nodded. "My wife is quite a gardener too, I think I will have a look."

The three of them went out.

"Spectacular," he complimented Lauren.

She blushed. "Why thank you. I'm going to fix some lemonade in to go cups, would you like one?"

Mr. Wells smiled. "Yes, thank you."

After she went in, he wandered around. "What's this?" he asked, walking over to a large rose bush.

"Oh, I just got that for her. It's exactly like her mom's."

Mr. Wells picked up the statue, and looked at the bottom. "I wouldn't say exactly."

Connor frowned. "Why would you say that?"

Mr. Wells stared at him for several seconds before he spoke. "Where did you get this?"

A bead of sweat ran down Connor's face. "The store?"

Mr. Wells' jaw tightened. "Then why does it have my wife's name on the bottom?" he asked, handing it to Connor upside down.

"From: The Bernes Family
To: Fran Wells
Merry Christmas!"

Connor's face went beet red. "I can explain."

Mr. Wells shook his head, and took the gnome. "No, I will explain it to your wife. I doubt she knows. I'm curious, though. Why did you do it? Kids take these things, not grown men. And the kids bring them back!"

Connor mopped his forehead. "I don't know. I just wanted to get my wife something nice..."

Mr. Wells briefly explained the situation to Lauren.

Lauren dabbed her eyes. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Wells. I had no idea."

He forced a smile. "No, I'm sorry. I wouldn't have told you, but I think you deserve to know."

She nodded. "Thank you."

He stood. "I'll be leaving now. Mr. Barre, here is money for a cab, so you may collect your car. In light of this discovery, I don't think you should be expecting a call from Huddleston."

Connor simply stood in the middle of the room motionless, as Mr. Wells left.

When he was gone, Lauren steered Connor towards a seat.

"All those things. You didn't buy them, did you?"

He shook his head. "I'm sorry."

She looked hard into his eyes. "When did it start? You've always been a collector. Was it before you lost your job?"

He put his hands over his face. "It was before I married you. I'm sorry. Sometimes I just can't help it."

Lauren gently took his hands in hers. "You will be able to, from now on. You're going to get help, I'll make sure of it. You're also going to return everything, as soon as possible."

Cover image made in Canva Pro using their gallery


"Then why does it have my wife's name on the bottom?"

I froze at this point in the story! 😄 I guess when everything is going smoothly, a person should take a second look.

For a minute there, I thought finally things are working out for Connor not knowing he'd already dug his grave of shame by stealing the statue. Too bad! He's lucky to have an understanding wife.

Captivating! Well done. !PIZZA 🙂

Thanks so much :) I wanted to use the prompt in a way that it wasn't immediately obvious that it was about theft


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Who changes the season when Summer is over?
No one, it happens Autumnatically.

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Connor stole things just to please Lauren, he has a good heart but stealing is not the right way.

Unfortunately, he lost the job but he has a wife who is ready to stand by him no matter what happens.

I feel their love...

Actually he has a problem. Unfortunately, some people feel compelled to steal.

Yes, I believe they love each other :)


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What did the full glass say to the empty glass?
You look drunk!

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Oh no. He stole it. Just like that, what seemed like a beautiful moment of appreciation was ruined. That must have felt so embarrassing. He is going to get help though.

I didn't see the end coming.

Well done.

Thanks so much :) It took a while to get an idea for this prompt, I'm glad you enjoyed it 🙌


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What kind of whale plays music?
An Orcastra

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An interesting story that revolves around family, and love .Connor really loved his wife to have done that. It's just quite unfortunate his deeds cost him a lifetime opportunity.

Thanks so much for reading :)


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I sent my girlfriend a 'Get Better' card.
She's not sick, or anything - I just think she can get better..

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You're welcome. Thanks for the tips🤗

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Thanks so much 💙

It's a good thing Connor is married to someone so understanding and accepting! It is so kind of her to look for a solution to her husband's chronic problem. Too bad about the dream job!

Thank you for sharing your story in The Ink Well, and for reading and commenting on the work of other community members.

Yeah, it's really unfortunate that he didn't address the issue earlier...

Based on some of the comments in here, I'm wondering if I didn't make the situation clear enough???


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This was an unfortunate action for Connor however he has a kind wife by his side. We all learn from mistakes even though we sometimes stumble.


Definitely, I think he's going to have to go through with getting help. And maybe a good lesson in the form of having to accept less than his dream job.


Nice write up keep up with the good work 🙏

Thanks so much for stopping by and enjoying the story :)


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Thanks 🙏

People who are color blind have the highest rates of divorce.
They can't see the red flags.

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Thanks 👍

You are highly Welcome 🤗

Goodness, I'm glad Mr. Wells checked the bottom of the gnome! Connor indeed has a very bad habbit.

Intresting story!

Thanks :)

Yeah, if he hadn't checked, Connor never would have gotten help


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What do you call a religious ceremony with one person?
Single service.

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