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RE: This Steemian's Perspective on Breaking the Impasse

It all comes down to "two wrongs don't make a right" and there's plenty of blame to go around.

Fact- Justin now owns the stake and using it to improve Steem or not is his choice. The witnesses either start to work with him or come up with a way forward without the stake.

Either way, they will not be dictating how the stake is spent, for improvements or not. They need to come to terms with that.

A good start is to drop the petty demands, like "apologize for calling them 'hackers'". There's been plenty of name calling from all directions.

The impass needs to end soon, for the sake of the community. Ppl are not posting because of the drama and if the lower quality ill intended articles keep clogging the trending feed and earning more of the pool than they deserve, then more will stop.

The only thing we CANNOT give Justin is letting the exchanges off with a slap on the wrist. 13 weeks to powerdown is what we must endure, then so should they.

I hope to see more posts like this and less like those currently trending. When that happens, it should mean we are starting to move forward.

It's time for idea's to lead us forward, instead of egos holding us back.


It's time for idea's to lead us forward, instead of egos holding us back.

That needs to be a driving force behind every step ... but sadly egos and self-serving seems to get a bigger foothold than not.