Introducing "Witch Weekly" ~ Enchanted by Darkness and Nighttime Musings

in Magicklast month (edited)

Is there anything so comforting as going to sleep at the end of a long, bright day? After many hours working on the land and listening to spooky stories, nighttime is when my imagination makes moves in the world of the unseen.

Darkness is beautiful, darkness is lovely. Luckily most nights are supervised by the Moon, the symbol of protection as well as visions. At least those are my associations with the moon.

I made a small fire for heat, light, and smoke to keep the mosquitos away. On this particular night I had a bundled of the aromatic herb California Mugwort to add the fire too.

Mugworts of all kind are associated with the dream world and provoking visions. I caried the smoking bundle of herbs around the campsite and circled the trailer that I sleep in.

I hoped that Mugwort smoke would leave to inspired dreaming. Besides this herb the most influential fuel for my imagination has been a fictional book that I found by chance. It is one of the SciFi series called Darkover. Have you heard of it?

As the sun set, the sky darkened and stars began to appear as bright spots in the blanket of black. Like the star stones of the world of Darkover. The telepaths use the star stones to venture into the unseen realm.

I have come across many crystals but none that allows me to see worlds beyond the one we live in physically. But, I have seen such things with my minds eye and in dreams. Only working on my powers of perception and imagination can help me to see more. These practices take time and dedication to develop.

))(()) A Bit About Witch Weekly (())((

Herbs, books, and positive predictions can be used to build a better life. In these weekly posts I share aspects of my journey as a pagan witch. They are the aspects of my craft that you are allowed to see, anyway.
Until next week,
☆Chloe Calendula☆.


What a brilliant post dearest @calendulacraft - I am so glad that others are sharing on Hive around the underlying magic of our reality. Beautiful sharings. I didn't know that Marion Zimmer Bradley also did this series: I know the Mists Of Avalon books very well - oh, I loooooved reading them the first time, when I was living in a big spiritual community in Scotland; such strong transmissions of the old ways!
Much love to you today xx