in LOGICZOMBIE4 years ago

Jordan Peterson had his gmail account suspended after publicly protesting a Canadian law. His personal and work gmail accounts were cut off without warning and when he finally located a customer support rep for google, (which is extremely difficult to find) they claimed that an automated algorithm suspended his accounts and that after a human review, they found that he had violated google's terms of service, but they refused to give him any specifics.

Google maintains secret blacklists and shadow bans an untold number of users with no transparent appeals process.

So I've been watching TUBI (a free app for android and roku that let's you watch stuff for FREE with NO SIGNUP) specifically their documentary category has a lot of great stuff.

Click to watch 2 minutes,

Watch full google/facebook documentary for free -

Click to watch 5 minutes,

Watch full 2016 election rigging documentary for free -

Click to watch 9 minutes,

Watch full conspiracy theory documentary for free -

Perhaps anarchy already exists and "THE COMMUNITY" is merely the highest manifestation of organized crime. – special thanks to @thoughts-in-time



Your scathing critique is requested.


(sigh) I have a lot of accounts to migrate my gmail account to some other host... :(

Let me know if you find a "good" alternative.

You probably have hundreds of accounts over the web that has a Google mail registered to it because ISPs stopped doing email for their customers in the 90s.

You would have better mobility, if you got someone to forward mail for you from some email address host. I have recently set this up for myself now with You can email one of my aliases and when it goes through it automatically forwards it to my free email address provider. Because this is new, all of my accounts, like are registered in the name of my free email provider. Now if I transfer to my alias that I setup in I will be able to transfer from the one I use to another. One this is setup at all of the servers I use, then if my free providers decides to delete my account, I just need to change one file on my server and it will go elsewhere.

I could forward email for you from some username you specify. I can create an alias like [email protected] and make it so it forwards to a current email address of yours. Then you could migrate your servers to that alias, which can be changed in the future once you find a paid email server.

You can trust me or trust Google. Which one? If you're not inclined to rent a server but don't mind parting with a dollar worth of steem backed dollars or hive backed dollars. They are both free for transactions but they do not keep their values against the dollar historically. I count the current parity as an anomaly.

Zoiks. That seems daunting.