
That is a double edged sword.
If we were invaded by an exterior, malicious group, we need folks willing to fight for freedom.
That most of the current members are victims of the fakeducation system, and all are duped into protecting the criminal class currently ruling the country, is secondary to deterring china from sending its starving masses over on ships.

The bigger threat is the 40+% of the country with a gun.
The military will soon loose its volunteered dupes in a hot war against 'muricans.
This is why they dumb us down with the flashylight box and adulterants in our foods.
No need to ban webpages when nobody will look at them.
No need to rev up your own dupes when nobody in the target country is looking to resist anything at all.

if congress gets a premium health-care-plan, their soldiers should get at least as much

Or, we could go horizontal and all 'citizens' get equality.
Any system predicated on forcing compliance is not viable, to me.

 3 years ago (edited) 

Any system predicated on forcing compliance is not viable, to me.

does this look like a cogent, logical presentation to you ?


It is the game as currently set up.
Games have rules, or there is no game.
We have to play with the rules as we have them.
But, I do agree that something to be desired is currently off the table.

I think we aren't privy to all the data.

here's the crux

the soldiers and police should demand a better deal for their sacrifice

The soldiers and police need to be disbanded and local structures devised that suit the needs of those being served.
Everybody should be trained to be a soldier, and everybody should be on the job as a cop.
The current do as you are told by the rulers. or violence, is leaving much to be desired, imo.

As long as these people get to use violence on those people because reasons, a shitshow is guaranteed.

Acts of predatory violence need to be met with an equal force for good.
On individual basises.
No one size fits all, because that won't work at scale.

Cops currently have carte blanche to do as they please, no consequences, because nobody can be pulled away from dancing with the stars to do their own defending of their own freedom.
They hire thugs to carpet bomb people.
Not a recipe for utopia, iyam.

What we see in the pool is this principle brought forward to web 3.0.
It will take some time for the new rules to change the thinking of folks raised on the old rules.

remove free downvotes

implement a universal 0.01% transaction fee (which is burned)

Or, get everybody on the same page?
We need flags for plagiarism, etc.

Most of the flagging I see is a result of emotional responses to the initial flag.
Folks start running off at the mouth and the flaggots flag harder.
Start bad mouthing the chain and they start flagging anything you say.

The standard here is original content, it's not that hard a bar to get over.