Telos Decentralized Science with NFts WAX Decentralized Labs, Observatories and Workshops/ Machine Shops in all 12 continents

in Infowars3 years ago


DECENTRALIZED SCIENCE LABS, P2P ON CHAIN DATA confirmations, IMMUTABLE NFT results with reviews, on ground inspectors to inspect your equipment. Imagine if the worlds militaries had to confirm things with each other on EOS Telos Golos etc lol they may as well be National Flags hah and we are in big Battle Ships in Cyber Space about to have actual battles but we can make it FUN, with REAL MONEY

Imagine world war 2 but holograms and every human knows its fake, a game, used to see who would actually win teh real one., It will be a GAME, with prizes, no one will die, and no one will have to fight that doesnt WANT to, to get that Valhalla programming out of their system lol

Cyberwarfare gladiators