My Favourite Skate Videopart is - Milton Martinez's "¡DEMOLICIÓN!" nov-2019 - Skatehive contest.

in SkateHive4 years ago (edited)

Personally, this video represents an indescribable inspiration because, like many of us, we have suffered very horrible and strong skating injuries. Example:Hall Of Meat: Milton Martinez.

We know that recovering physically is not the most difficult thing, but mentally in terms of recovering our confidence and losing fear, we have to resume and develop our level 100%.

That is the reason why I choose this video part as my favorite, because this android does not know fear, on the contrary he enjoys fear by finishing the spots to pieces.

The madman for me represents the most genuine aggressive skateboard I have ever seen. I could have chosen among video parts with more styling tricks of more commercial skaters today like (Torey Pudwill - Hallelujah - Nike SB | Nyjah | 'Til Death) to give examples.

But they really preferred Milto conviction a million times, not to mention facing the spot that broke your shinbone and fibula trying an ollie but now doing the most hardcore flip that you can really imagine that this video makes my hair stand out on end. ¡¡¡BRUTAL!!!. @estefanobm

Description by: ThrasherMagazine.
The madman from Mar del Plata, Argentina blazes at full throttle no matter the spot. This part is gonna put you on the edge of your seat, from the opening montage to the kickflip into you-know-what. Skate and Destroy!

 4 years ago  

It was so hard to vote for SOTY this year bro. One the one hand we had Mark Suciu with that epic part and on the other hand we had Milton who is just nuts. I voted for Milton cause he is a real SKATE OR DIE guy and Milton is definitely someone who Phelps would love to see as SOTY!
RIP Phelps!

You do know what we are talking about! When I saw that you shared the video part of Mark Suciu, I said: Wao ... what a piece of skater, despite having seen it many times. I never get tired of seeing that part video, but the Milto thing is something that cannot be explained. There was a reason for this great admiration on the part of Phelps. SKATE OR DIE.