My Brithday #30

in SkateHive5 months ago

My 30th birthday...

What to think about this, it is really not very encouraging to look back and feel that I have not achieved anything, to raise my head and see that my surroundings do not inspire a certain future forward does not fill me with much joy either.

Today (or yesterday) 02/05 was my birthday, third floor we say here and it was no different than any other day, although I came to the city of Maturin to visit an aunt and spend the day here I feel that it is still a normal day, but not in my mind.

I think I need to rethink many things and projects, I had the initiative to start with the development of the first skatepark in punta de mata but due to the low integration of people I have been a little slowed down, I have the legal permits waiting for a date which have not told me yet for an official meeting with all members of the community since the permit I am asking is for intervention to a public place we need the approval of the mayor but mainly his signature where he emphasizes that this construction is not run by government expenses but by the same local workers who in this case are us, the skaters.

Well, let's cheer up because this is my project and I really believe that this is the only thing that gives meaning to my existence, I want to give the opportunity to new people to practice a sport different from what we see in this small town and so maybe pay some existential debt.

Let's go to a happier place.


My mom accompanied me today, infinitely grateful to continue sharing with the person who gives me that unconditional love that is my mother.

Although we did not share the day, one of my girls sent me more than a beautiful greeting and congratulations. 💌


I also brought my skateboard, so tomorrow we're going all out to skate and do some graffiti downtown.


I hadn't visited this part of town for about 8 years and I found these two graffiti that are about 10 years old:



On the other hand, on the first of this month, we went to what we callEl Consecionario an abandoned place at the end of Bolivar Avenue in Punta de Mata.


None of these fun moments are possible without first covering the basics of day to day life, I have many things to do and promises to keep.


One of them is to buy a new board, but I think that currently we Venezuelans have had a very bad time so trying to ask for some collaboration to get one that at least has rebound would be very bad seen, at least mentioned that may have the intention, greetings to all who came here.



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My 48th birthday is coming up in about a month and a half, and I'm still feeling not having accomplished much. For some of us it'll take a while I guess.

My younger son does skateboarding too.

Yea thats how we all live untill the end i think, and somehow is nothing about material stuffs. Main focus been on those mental stuffs that stops us ñ.

Thanks for it bro. ✊🏻

 5 months ago  

yo you need a new board baaad bro. i would send boards i have so many old ones that are good but its SO expensive to ship to VN

Yea that cost more than a few ones. I get one soon and give this one to the young boy.

Congratulations my brother, many years of life, peace, health and prosperity and lots of skateboarding 🙏🏾✨❤️🛹💪🏾

✊🏻⚡ heyy yooo, thanks for that energy homie 🙌🏻

Happy birthday again, God bless you, Jesus Christ loves you and as long as you are living a life that you love God and love others (your neighbors) as you would love yourselves, those are the two commandments we should live by.
If we are able to love, we have accomplished a lot

Because many people give up, or don't want to live anymore
I see your video, you skating boarding with other friends and family, the young boys who look up to you as a role mode
as a positive influence in their lives
You have accomplished much, Through loving others, you have accomplished so much
Thank God you were born and this life is short and precious
Your mom loves you and you love her, that is an accomplishment to keep that relationship
Many people don't love their mom, or moms don't love their children
And people have lost one another due to anger, unforgiveness or even death
To make it to 30 years old is an accomplishment, to be here right now
Sharing with us, and doing positive things that matter, that is a big deal

I appreciate you, and I hope for the best of success for you
Keep pushing forward, keep your skateboard moving
Keep your mind focus and your heart in the right place

I am 35 years old, I am still learning growing and progressing

I have voted for your skatehive witness

Jesus Christ is here for you, you just need to reach out to Him
He is as real as the air we breathe, which we cannot see, yet we can feel it when the wind pushes it against us and it fills up our lungs.

God bless you

All had all on mind man, thats what keep me lets say calm down and tryn to enjoy. ✊🏻

Thank u so much 💎

You're very welcome.

 5 months ago  

Happy Birthday !

Thanks xVlad ⚡

Happy birthday! Let's keep a positive vibe and faith in a bright future, but above all let's live and love the present day with the best energy and mind.

Thanks rosana u so sweet 💌💌💌

Good Morning
Happy Birthday
Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)
Have a great day :)

Thanks brother 💌✊🏻

Felicitaciones una edad maravillosa. Guapísima tu mami, que Dios la bendiga. Que sigan los éxitos.

Hace dos dias decía que es una edad peligrosa, sinembargo sé que hay mucho camino aún por recorrer. Gracias señora sacra 💌, mi mama casi no usa su cta no quiere aprender será... @tejidorosa 🙌🏻