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RE: 100%

in SkateHive4 months ago

You get the big picture brother, I love this.

Web3 enables direct connections with skaters, that's the beauty. No middlemen like Instagram and Facebook who are collecting our data, we are the products in their platforms and our data is the price we pay to use those platforms, even though most people think they are free to use.

With Skatehive there's no data tracking, no middlemen, just skateboarders building cool apps connecting communities and people from all over the globe.

Together we build, evolve and empower our culture 🍻


Thanks for the words my brother Knowhow 🙏🏾❤️💪🏾
We at Bless Skateshop are very grateful to the skatehive community, for welcoming us and supporting us, when Wil and Vlad explained to us about the community the first time we didn't imagine how fantastic and inspiring our journey at Hive would be, we hope to be able to contribute and share with the family more and more a little of our experience with our brothers here at Bless and in the future we will be the bridge to connect more and more real skateboarders with skatehive 🙏🏾✨💪🏾🛹🐝