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RE: Saturday Session At A Private Skatepark?!?

in SkateHive • 3 years ago

Nice session! They should really take care of that skate's kinda cool...
Kick Flip 2 Rail slide...great stuff my friend!😀 🤙

 3 years ago  

Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan thanks a lot and damn so sorry for replying so late! I missed all comments from this post for a weird reason hahaha!

All good, my man...😉
Weird times...😜

Yo, nice NFT design, i see more people coming out with their own... is there a program to transfer a photo into a NFT Crypto Punk?

 3 years ago  

Yo bro these are Hive-Punks! You can buy yours here!

Only 10k Hive punks available so I suggest you buyone soon before Hive goes paraboolic and everyone wants to grab one!

Ok cool, thanks! I can use the Hive infrastructure to pay..?

 3 years ago  

You pay with Swap.Hive

Make sure you have enough at your Hive-Engine wallet for the transaction and you're good to go!

Thanks my man...will start stackin' some...