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RE: SkateHive x LBRY.TV Collaboration - 2 Skateboarding Communities Unite

in SkateHive4 years ago

I set up an account, but cannot verify on discord cos I need twitter or linkedin (or github whatever that is) and I don't use any of those so I gotta try another way....
OK I tried to create a channel and cannot because I have no LBC?
Very confused.


Hey Mark, join the SkateHive discord when you have some free time and we'll figure this out!

Yo man I just got it sorted! Thank you for the offer dude, I think I am all good now!

 4 years ago (edited) 

Glad to hear this man! Drop a link with your lbry channel once you are all ready

I'm doing the youtube sync version so it might take a while for anything to appear!
My internet is so slow that I can't be uploading twice and thought the auto sync thing seems best for me! I hope it all works!!!

UPDATE Did it the card way... felt very sketched out typing that shit in, but yeah I'm on there now!