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RE: Fastest Hill In Manitoba - How We Roll Road Trip

in SkateHive4 years ago

That looked terrifying XD

Bombing down hills was something I never really got into. Probably because I lived on top of one and had too many tumbles and altercations with vehicles (after actually running into a car once I stopped bombing altogether) and didn't like the going back up afterwards thing XD

 4 years ago  


 4 years ago  

Yeah bombing a hill is no joke! It took me years to get to this point, part of which is skill, but also understanding how to setup my gear for what I am planning to do. I adjusted my gear several times before I could take the full hill in speedtuck position, without getting speed wobbles.
Another important thing that I learned before starting big, was to learn how to slow down, or stop, at any speed. I started out slow, then slowly worked my way up to being confident to slide at my top speed, which is now above 90km/h. Also if I mess any of that up, I have a full leather suit, spine protector, and full face helmet. So usually I get up fine.

Glad to hear confirmation that you're wearing full safety gear for this 😆 (I just assumed you were because I like assuming the best but some people 😱)

How are your wheels after sliding at that speed?

 4 years ago  

Hardly even broke the skin of the wheel. I was very surprised.

Wow O_O you either have some tough wheels or just wheels in general are tougher than I thought XD

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