Kickflip fs crooked grind "NEW TRICK"🛹 👊 [Esp/Ing]

in SkateHive2 months ago

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Hello friends how are you?
Today I am really happy to share this video with you, I learned how to do kickflip fs crooked.

Hola, amigos como estan?
Hoy de verdad que estoy contento de compartir este video con ustedes, aprendi hacer kickflip fs crooked.

I thought it was going to cost me more than normal, but I don't know if it was luck or I don't know what happened, but in one of the attempts I managed to step on it and fall.

Pense que me iba a costar mas de lo normal, pero no se si fue de suerte o no se que paso, pero en uno de los intentos logre pisarlo y caerlo.

I loved adding this trick to my bag of tricks, I hope you enjoy it, I did it and I felt like a pro.

me encanto añadir este truco a mi bolsa de trucos, espero que lo disfruten, lo cai y me senti un pro.

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 2 months ago  

so proud of you dude.
keep skating dude you rock.

 2 months ago  

felt like a pro

I feel you brother, I've done this trick once and felt like a pro too hahaha.

Respect, good looking trick, and very hard.

Keep shredding G

This really made me very happy, I just have to continue enjoying and learning about skateboarding.

 2 months ago  

You're killing it brother, keep them tricks coming 💯💯💯