 last year  

dude this is so cool!
you GET it man!
love having you hold it down here at skatehive
@gnarip12345 i met this dude he visited me in chicago years ago and we skated with paul
and we jammed in my studio... where the link....
wow that took forever to find.. and i dont think the video works anymore..

Yo thanks so much dude and sorry I have not been able to play the game yet or make some tunes . Works been kicking my ass and now I am sick as !!! Hope you good . We playing a festival in Memphis and trying to wing a gig in Chicago will keep you posted

 last year  

all good brotherman. talk to you soon!

That was the best song I heard all day.

Thanks so much for the comment . More songs to come !!!

 last year  

That was straight awesome dude!

Thanks my G need to peep your videos I have been so slack I am a terrible BEE !!!!!