Even the small obstacles count!

in SkateHive2 years ago

Yesterday I had trouble to get this little rail.

I felt fear and my head block it up until I can't get an ollie to land on top of this rail.

But, skate is about this, right? Facing fears, increasing our limits and unblock obstacles. Same thing as life is.

Happy to skate yesterday and happy to keep skating after years. I will hope to keep like that for more few years!

 2 years ago  

But, skate is about this, right? Facing fears, increasing our limits and unblock obstacles. Same thing as life is.

That's exactly it man! Stoked you could get that Boardslide and I'm sure you'll be shredding for many years to come!

Cheers from Greece brother!

From Greece? OMG ! Seems to be a beautiful place, lot of beaches to swim in those blue waters.

One day I will go there and visit you to skate together

that´s the actitude of a giant bro!! keep facing fears and increase your skating, love that long as board slide, small but that those not means is totally safety.