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RE: From Tire to Abstract Art

I love the concept of #actifit. I think that tokens are a great way to motivate fitness.

I also like the use of fitness trackers. My tracker allowed me to measure my daily hill climb.

The posts just don't come off well in an open forum. I noticed that several of the tribal tokens exclude posts with the actifit tag.

P.S. have you ever brought up a hard-core political issue while everyone is short on breath in a workout lol fun times.

I've learned to hold my tongue. Most of the people I know are staunch progressives. Progressives are trained to throw political barbs into every conversation. Like: It's hot today. We need socialism to stop global warming.

All mentions of health lead into demands for socialized health care.

A walk through a national forest leads to barbs about how all land should be federalized and owned by the people. If we had socialism then all land would be like the national forests.

The right is as bad. I live in Utah. I do not belong to the established religion in the state. Most of the conservatives I know simply don't talk to me.

US based conservatives hate the fact that I studied the history of Conservatism.

Hey, did you know that there are countries, other than the United States, where people speak English?

Hey, did you know that Queen Elizabeth is not a Republican?

Anyway, I've learned to avoid politics in personal conversations. It never goes well.



I use a pedometer on my phone but more so just reference it when I curious about a distance more so than the calories burnt or anything like that.

It would be ideal for my interests, for a actifit kind of reward system to be entirely passive, the social aspect of the actifit token was too much for me.

I blog late at night typically in deep thought, I usually won't get to this state of thinking kid day during the physical routine of that day.