A Current Events Post!

in Gods On Chain8 months ago

There's been a lot I've been following lately and I figured it was worth sharing some of it here.

"New" Crafting Recipes

I saw "new" because technically they are, but the entire community expected new cards to be ingredients. Instead, it's the same cards, just different quantities and different rewards. In short, you toss in a few shadows and get a meteorite ToF card.

(images from GU)


Unfortunately, most of the craftable epics are pretty bad. However, there are two that I definitely have had my eye on: the Spearfisher and Burial Wyrm. I happened to have my phone on me when the announcement went live and was able to grab what I needed. Most of the cards didn't spike in price, but some did. For example, I grabbed 10x meteorite Moon-crazed for ~$.50 cents before they went to $1. A little bit of savings never hurt anyone.

Then I went to buy Magitech and realized I was an idiot: they cost $2+! So the total cost of the ingredients is actually slightly higher than just buying the spearfisher for $5. 😆

So that wasn't great. BUT! I bought the ingredients for Burial Wrym for less than the market price primarily because I already had some laying around. So I'll call it a wash.

Overall, though, I'd encourage GU not to hype "changing recipes" when it's this underwhelming.

Mayday on ladder

Yesterday, Mayday was at the very top of the ladder led by the two mistros xikoperiko and fullbacKappa:



Naturally, Mayday card price has been adjusting as people realize the potential:


I bought 2x at $20 and sold my second one at $40. Hindsight is 20/20 for sure! 😆

Unfortunately, a lot of new Mayday owners may find themselves looking more like the number on the right below:


While Xiko and FB have unlocked the power of the deck, many of us have not. My win rate was so bad I've only been playing with it in casual while learning. Some of us have been learning from them via tips on discord, but neither of them stream/youtube so we're waiting on @copperpitch to figure it out and then spoonfeed the rest of us.

To give myself a little credit, I am getting much better with it. There are critical combos in the deck that don't include mayday at all. For example: Toast + Spymaster and Marcella + First Mate. In addition, the way you play the deck changes drastically depending on your opponent.

In short, this is a high-skill deck that I doubt most people will master. I include myself in that 'will not master' category by the way. Although I'd love to reach 60% with it!

Atlanteans falling off?

The meta appears to have reacted to atlanteans and many people who were maining them have put them away. They are reporting that (especially going second) it's too hard to get board now that everyone knows their gameplan. This is a very interesting turn of events.

Bomb dragons still a blast

I've been loving it. Running a more midrange variant (might make a post about soon). It's too soon to tell this weekend how they'll do, but I do see this deck currently with 11/18 wins. Not enough to top the leaderboard, but enough to get some good rewards! It's also a fast deck, which I like.



Lots going on in GU! Plenty to keep me entertained. Hope you enjoyed this type of post. For some of you it's probably just rehashing stuff you already knew, but I also know not everyone follows GU as closely, so hopefully this is helpful to some of you!


That 42W 8L record is crazy. If I remember it right I came across the deck thrice and I lost all of the matches.

By the way, I also like "Spearfisher" I want it badly for the Amazon that I am trying to work.

wow can't believe mayday pumped like that o.o. so far im nto enjoyoing the meta shift

Yea it's definitely different. I've got a post coming out on Food Chain Nature if my 3speak vids will upload. Who knows - you might like that deck.

o.o but ill need the cards for it. alright sure share that deck when its up ill have a look at it. but even that when looking at the top decks and the winrates its pretty sad times for nature lol. maybe i should just play face magic ?

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